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🎃 Halloween Special- Fright Nights Event

Prompt 1: "I did this out of LOVE! I did this for YOU, for US!"

Once upon a time, there was a prince who lived in a really prosperous kingdom. This was usually the so called cliche starting of every fairytale. The prince was brave, charming, noble and quite handsome indeed. From the day he was born, people adored him. People were ready to lay their lives for the prince and he was doted on by every single person around him. Prince Nishinoya grew up to be a golden hearted person with lots of good qualities but with a hint of pride since he was pretty coddled ever since he was a kid. He also had a feeling that he could get whatever he wanted, sort of had a little bit of an ego lol

The prince often heard stories of people marrying their soulmates and from an early age, he started fantasizing about his life with the love of his life, his darling, his soulmate.... he searched and searched and searched for the right woman for him. His parents and the people of his kingdom had his best interests in their hearts and were helping him in searching for the right woman

In that very same kingdom, there was you. A common, normal girl who wasn't interested in silly things like love. You were more of an adventurer, always looking forward for an adventure to get into. Your parents discovered your love for adventures since you were a kid and honestly, they didn't really mind. Your parents were pretty open minded people and didn't really care about the nonsense what other people said like how 'Girls should be at home, cooking and looking after their families and husbands' and the other nonsense. From reading books about fearless brave hearted knights battling dragons, to valiant brave hearts on quests, you were itching for an adventure of your own. You also knew that if you had to have an adventure for yourself, you needed to learn self defense and train yourself with weapons. Never know when those skills might come in handy

You snuck off to the forest every day at night to practice without your parents knowing. In the mornings you'd sneak by the palace to see the guards train with various weapons ranging from spears to swords to even fighting bare handed. And you'd practice all by yourself without anyone teaching you. But unbeknownst to you, there was someone watching you doing all this and it was none other than the prince himself

The prince saw you sneaking around the palace sometimes and he was curious to know why you were just watching the guards. He had to admit, he was suspicious of you at first but so far, you didn't do anything wrong so... you were in the clear. Then he saw you sneaking off into the forest to train and day by day, he'd grown enamored with you. The way you so gracefully and skillfully moved your weapon and pounced on the target like a fierce lioness with all your might... wow, what a woman you were. But he was also a bit threatened by you since you might be stronger than him and he wanted you to become his wife

He decided to introduce himself you and he decided to take things slow. Prince Nishinoya was a really great friend and quite funny too, you had a good time with him. He'd beg you to show him some of your moves and when you did, he'd make mental notes to find your weakness and try defeating you since as much as he loved how daring and fearless you were, you couldn't handle sharp objects like swords and daggers and spears, you were far more precious and soft for that. You'd do great as a mother and his lover, more importantly, the future queen of the Empire

When you finally told him that you were ready to go on an adventure in the mountains, that's when he finally freaked. He couldn't let you go, he'd die without you! He NEEDED you like he needed air. He tried stalling you from going and distracting you saying that you could spend more time with him and leave in two or three days and stuff. Finally when you thought he was becoming too overbearing, you told him gently but quite firmly that you needed and wanted to go but he wasn't going to let you. He's spent his time gathering information about you, your family and a way to make you his. He went to the most powerful sorcerer and told him to give him a sleeping potion to put you to sleep while he carries you to your new home

He said with a sad tone "All right.... but before you go, here, have this freshly baked buns I got from the palace just for you darling~'' and you eagerly munched on it. It tasted really good and buttery, but... there was another faint taste in the bread that you couldn't distinguish very well. But little did you know, it was spiked with the sleeping potion he'd acquired from the sorcerer

You woke up in one of the palace rooms feeling dazed and confused as you saw your friend Prince Nishinoya sitting near the bed, hugging you as he said "I'm so glad you're awake sweetheart! Finally, I've been waiting for this moment from so long...'' and you were just confused and scared. "Wh-what the heck is this? Let me go, what have you done!" you screeched on top of your lungs and you tried to punch him but you were restrained from the ropes he'd tied you with that was connecting to the headboard of the bed. You muttered curses against him and he just grinned and replied "I had to admit, you were quite the fierce woman, daring and courageous. But shame, your fire and passion for adventures have to put out since you will now rule the empire by my side and you'd make a great mother'' as you internally cringed at the thought

"If you think I'd ever marry you or even bear you any children, you're sorely mistaken. I'd rather jump off a cliff'' you snarled at him and he stared at you growing more and more pissed each second. Why can't you see he was doing this for you!? Why do you have to be so ungrateful? He gripped your chin harshly, glared at you and hissed "I did this out of LOVE! I did this for YOU, for US!" and he took a moment to calm himself down as he continued "Don't worry sweetheart, I'm sure you'll understand why I had to do this. I'm willing to go through any lengths for our love. And don't even think of escaping, the palace security here is quite rigorous. And even if you, you wouldn't want anything bad to happen to your parents now would you?" he smirked at you devilishly. "Don't you DARE to do anything to them! I HATE YOU!" you screamed but he just cooed at you, and he kissed your cheek

It hurt being betrayed by someone you'd thought who was a friend. Someone who used to encourage you to aim for the highest and yet here he was, declaring his love for you to his parents, to the entire palace court and to the people of his kingdom. You would be wedded to him within 2 weeks and you wondered if there ever would be a way of escape for you from this hell. Not every prince is that noble and not every heroine gets what they want....

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