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Bruh.... this dude is a literal cinnamon roll and as a yandere he would be the MOST SWEETEST obsessive one. Not to mention slightly off his rocker as well since he believes that you really love him just as much as he loves you 

You'd probably meet him during one of your classes I guess. You'd see Tsukishima picking on a short orange haired kid and calling him a shrimp while you told Tsukushima told leave him TF alone and Yamaguchi was just behind him. Yamaguchi was actually kind of impressed that you had the guts and the courage to stand up to him and admired you for that but he was also nervous and scared that you'd be squished flat by the time Tsukishima was done with you. Tsukishima just glared at you and said, "And WHY should I listen to YOU, you little midget?" Yamaguchi was fuming inside since he had DARED to call you a midget when you CLREARLY deserved to be called a goddess and he had to control himself NOT to punch Tsukishima right in the face and knock out all his teeth. You and Tsukishima just bantered and insulted each other back and forth till the bell rang, signaling that it was time for classes. Luckily, you guys had a free period that day and Tsukishima finally muttered a 'Tch' and told Yamaguchi to come with him. Yamaguchi turned back to you, saw you for one more time and apologized for Tsukishima's behavior and went off, telling himself that it wouldn't be the last time he'd be seeing you 

He will do WHATEVER he can from that day onwards to save you from Tsukishima's wrath by just distracting him and sometimes, he'll be following you around like some lost puppy since you're a goddess and an angel to him who deserves to be worshipped 

Will he stalk you? HELL YEAH he will! He just wants to make sure you're safe wherever you go since there's danger ALWAYS lurking around the corners

He might even go as far as to breaking an entry into your room to watch you sleep soundly and peacefully while he goes through your stuff to collect for his shrine dedicated for you. He'll collect little things like pens, pencils, rings, bracelets, stuffed animals and things you most probably won't miss 

Also, what certified stalker wouldn't have a photo album of the person they're stalking? Yamaguchi has something like 3 albums of photos of you, sometimes doing your own stuff and doing crazy things like pulling funny faces in boring classes (Don't ask me how the HECK he managed to snap photos of you during class). Dude can probably write a 1000 page essay about you since he knows you better than you know yourself and YES, he HAS convinced himself that 

If anyone tries hurting you, Yamaguchi will NOT be gentle with them AT ALL even when it comes to Tsukishima. He's going to 'accidentally' injure the person who's getting in the way of both of you 

He will NOT share you with ANYONE, like AT ALL since he just wants you all for himself. Yes yes, he IS quite the selfish one 

Might even climb onto your bed at night to sleep with you only to return to his house at the break of dawn only to dream about how beautiful and goddess like you looked while you were sleeping 

He will most probably kidnap you instead of confessing his love to you since ONE: He is a VERY VERY shy boi and he's scared that he'll blow his chance of having a good impression on you and TWO: He's worried that someone else better than him is going to ask you out and you'll say yes. As much as Yamaguchi jokes around and always has a smile on his face, he is kinda insecure about himself and that's why he will kidnap you so only HE will be the one for you 

He will give you whatever you want and is kinda like a submissive yandere like Asahi

His heart just breaks into pieces when he sees you crying and miserable and so, he'll hug you and cuddle with you and not let go when you're having a tantrum. He will not punish you, like AT ALL. Boi won't even hurt a butterfly, what makes you think he's gonna snap your bones in half? True, he'll do that to other people, but CERTIANLY not to you, not even if his life depended on it and no, he won't raise his voice at you, like at all 

Nicknames include: Sweeite, sweetheart, honey, cutie, cutie pie, darling, love, angel, my goddess, baby, babe and the rest of the other cringiest nicknames in history

If you try escaping from him, be ready for LOTS and LOTS of tears from him. You might even need a mop and a bucket handy with you since he'll be sobbing and crying all over. Then, he will hold you and kiss you since he thinks the reason you're tried escaping was because he wasn't paying attention to you. Well, now you have him breathing down your neck constantly 24/7/365. And if he wasn't clingy like a koala before, he most certainly is now 

He will let you go out ONLY till the back porch of the house he's keeping you in since he doesn't want you getting hurt and YES, boi will baby proof each and everything in the house and not even a plastic butter knife will be seen. Oh, and the kitchen is off limits for you and you are NOT allowed to reach for things that are high for you and no standing on tables or chairs 

He will not let you see any violent movies or horror movies and unfortunately for you pals, that also includes shows like Riverdale and The Vampire Diaries so if you were planning on watching them, kiss 'em goodbye 

Literally loves you like, ALOT so give him some hugs from me :)

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