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The fanart above ain't mine like I keep telling you all and who would've expected THOSE 2 seemingly innocent bois to behave like crazy wacky delusional yanderes?

Even though the 2 of them are best friends, when they see you, they'll instantly fall in love with you. It's almost like Beauty and the Beast with 2 beasts instead of one. Just don't expect any dancing teapots or cooking utensils to start dancing and waltzing outta nowhere, that ain't happening. It'll be like a friendly competition between them, like who's gonna win your cute dainty little heart first. They'll open their eyes and team up together ONLY if they see a possible threat trying to separate you from them 

Sugawara is extremely obsessive, doting and will baby you till no ends. And not to mention HELLA overprotective of you and your safety. He just can't have his sweet little angel hurting themselves while Daichi would be obsessive, possessive and slightly sadistic

You'll meet them at practice or something or someone like Nishinoya would introduce you to them and when you flash that adorable smile of yours to them, it makes their hearts go doki doki 

Now, like I said, if someone's tries to take you away from them, or if you're spending too much time with other people instead of them, they'll just give you expressions of a kicked puppy and they'll try making you spend more time with them. JUST THEM. No one else, not even those irritating annoying flies that buzz around you that you call your 'friends'. And you can BET that these 2 will get even more possessive and clingy to you like they'll be breathing down your neck 24/7/365. The aura around them would like.... change you know? Like them having dark auras if someone tries talking you for too long

They WILL stalk the HELL out of you and you can NOT convince me otherwise. They both just want you to be safe, that's all! Is that so WRONG!? And yes, they might even collect little things from your room like your pouches and jewelry and stuff like that for their shrine that they have for you..... Totally not creepy at all

Now, they'll start planning your kidnapping or as they prefer to call it 'taking you under their care' since kidnapping is just so angsty and.... dark......, very thoroughly, planning where you'll be, getting your favorite things, thinking of various excuses to tell your parents, friends and teachers and they'll probably take you after you get invited for a study session with them and Sugawara slips some sleeping pill inside your glass of water and POOF!! You'll be lights out before you can even say 'Plus Ultra'

You'll wake up in a nice cozy room that looks like this:

You'll wake up in a nice cozy room that looks like this:

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You will have a pair of handcuffs for sure but hey. at least they didn't tie you up right? You'll be treated EXACTLY like a doll or a baby, honestly, they'll baby you and infantilize you SO MUCH, it takes all your self restrain NOT to fling a plate at their heads everytime you're forced to sit on their laps. They'll dress you, bathe you, feed you, smother you with lots and lots of love and affection and yes, they'll stick to you like mosquitoes in a gluetrap and you can kiss your privacy goodbye. They'll just coo and 'awww' at you whenever you try yelling at them but know that you probably shouldn't test their patience that much 

When you act up or if you drive them insane with your bad behavior, kind, nice and doting Sugawara will become stern and strict. This boi here takes discipline VERY seriously and so does his other partner. Daichi will use the threat of harming your friends if you don't behave and Sugawara will just lecture you and scold you in a gentle way though, like scolding a child 

Some common nicknames they'll call you are: Princess, Honey, cutie pie, darling, love, angel, doll, etc. etc, names which literally just make you wanna barf 

Do NOT try escaping unless you wanna get chained or tied to a bedpost for hours together. As much as they would very much love to teach you a lesson not to be a brat anymore, they still won't physically harm you in any way and won't make you do uncomfortable stuff, so you're good to go for now

Both of them WILL be sadistic when they punish you though and there's nothing you can do about that so.... yeah, I pray for you

How will they deal with rivals you ask? Gone before the day can even end. It won't matter, either they'll take of the nasty pest by spreading rumors about them and try to ruin their future by ensuring they get blacklisted from every and any company they work for in the future, or they'll land up in a hospital that'll make Daichi and Sugawara look like they were protecting themselves and play the victim. Honestly, these bois here are so good at acting someone needs to give them a FREAKING OSCAR for their god damn drama performances 

I can't really see them killing anyone but if you drive them TOO over the edge, both of them will NOT think twice about getting their hands dirty and torture people till they'll be begging for death. You're theirs after all, their princess to love and possess~

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