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Requested by @Redhead_cutie2004 and I hope you enjoy :) 

Osamu as a yandere would no doubt be really possessive, over protective AF, obsessive over you and also he's like a fussy mom at times too, always wondering if you had enough to eat or not, if you're getting the adequate amount of sleep required by a person everyday, if you're feeling all right and stuff like that. He's also a bit manipulative as well but never to you, he could never be manipulative to you, you're the love of his life, the very reason for his existence. If he has to lie to someone else or about your whereabouts he'd gladly do so without batting an eye and lie away to glory blatantly. You're HIS after all, why on Earth would he share you with someone else then? 

He's also self aware about his abnormal behavior. He's one of the rare sane ones, who knows being THIS obsessed about you and delving into an ocean of overwhelming and such intense feelings of love for you, he agrees it's wrong. He finds his own feelings a bit scary at the same time, how within a short amount of time he's willing to do whatever you ask him to, like he's your puppet to control. How he's willing to whatever the hell it takes to make you happy and to see that wonderful dazzling smile on your face, the smile he always loves and cherishes. He's also a HUGE and MAJOR stalker, he simply HAS to know about your whereabouts, what you could possibly be doing at this point of time, all your likes and dislikes, your relationships with other people like your friends which he doesn't like so much since he thinks they're just using you, his wonderful divine angel for their personal gain. He actually maintains a freaking notebook dedicated solely for you and keeps a track of everything you do. Unless he doesn't follow you around and watches over you like a guardian angel, he can't feel at peace and his heart won't be calm, from the paranoia of something or the other happening to you 

It's like he knows you better than you know yourself, he knows you THAT well which I have to admit is either a bit flattering or admirable since he's dedicated so much time in observing you and watching over you or if it's just plain freaking creepy. He feels ashamed of himself for having these sort of thoughts about you, he was losing his sleep over you, his mind was constantly wandering to what you could be doing and if you were all right. But at the same time he can't help himself, every time you smile at him and hang out with him or compliment his cooking skills you're not making things easy on his poor heart, it literally starts racing like it's running a marathon for 200 freaking miles or something

Of course his twin Atsumu will find out about his brother having a crush on you and will tease him about it for days to come. Just for fun's sake, he tries to flirt with you as well since he's curious to know how his dear twin would react to the situation and he swore he saw literal death in his eyes. He never felt more scared of Osamu ever since he ate the last Onigiri. But of course, he'll also help Osamu in getting you to be his because #twingoals and #twinsiesforever and all that. Osamu is normally not THAT much of a jealous guy, tries not to show that he's jealous but he fails miserably. He looks even more brooding, moody and darker than usual and he starts picking at the things in front of him, pouting and glaring like an angry petulant child, either ready to punch the person on the face for even daring to talk to you and steal you away from him, or drag you away from there or slam the idiot on the face with a ball 'accidentally' and blame it on something like the Earth's magnetic field and Physics stuff lol 

He'll take a bit longer to kidnap you. Believe it or not, he's actually one of the tamer yanderes, who doesn't want to make you upset. He knows kidnapping you will make you sad and distressed and he hates seeing you in such a state, it makes his heart break to pieces so he tries to have a normal relationship with at first, you know, like a normal and sane person. If you accept him, well and good. He'll still be really over protective of you and doesn't matter if you're dating or not. Once he becomes too paranoid, it won't matter if you're with him or not, he'll still have to take you away for your own safety. But of course, he leans to kidnapping as a last attempt or a last resort

He knows you'll be sad and confused and angry when he takes you, which was why with the help of his dear twin Atsumu, he bought some of your favorite things like the books you like reading, your favorite colored blankets, your favorite movies and learned how to make your favorite food as well. When you woke up he apologized for doing this to you and he felt bad when he saw you cry. "DON'T TOUCH ME AND GET AWAY FROM ME!" you screamed at him as he tried to wipe your tears away. "I'm sorry Y/N, I really do love you and I wanted you to be safe'' "Safe from what? The only thing I need to be safe from is you and your psychotic abnormal behavior'' you shot back at him and you told him to leave you alone, which he surprisingly did. You wanted to hate the guy you once called a friend, the one whom you've trusted but you couldn't, not when he was treating you so well like royalty

He never raised his voice at you or even hit you for that matter, he just looked at you with a pained expression but was still firm about not letting you go since the outside world was dangerous for you according to him. You slowly start coming around to his feelings and love for you much to his immense happiness. He loves cuddling with you and hugging you. He's the big spoon during the nights but he can be the little spoon too if you want to switch. Your living situation with him wouldn't be so bad after all, overall he's a gentle yandere who cares a lot for you and loves you with all his heart, who also has a Sangwoo like brother willing to help out his brother with your and his relationship 

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