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Requested by @AYanderesLove21 and I'm so sorry I took so long with this TvT 

You were best friends with Yachi and you'd be transferring to Karasuno High this year and you were really excited. You've heard about the Karasuno's reputed volleyball team and you wanted to see them play in person. You soon transferred to Karasuno High and you greeted Yachi on the first day as she was talking with a certain orange haired boy and a raven haired dude with a grumpy and stoic look on his face. "Yachi, hey what's up?'' you smiled and greeted her as she turned back and smiled at you. "Y/N, good to see you. Guys, this is my friend Y/N L/N, this is her first day. Y/N, meet Hinata Shoyo and Kageyama Tobio, they're on the Karasuno High's volleyball team'' as you smiled at them and extended your hand out in greeting to each one of them. Hinata smiled a bright smile at you that you felt like you needed to bring shades next time and he said "I hope you enjoy your time here Y/N'' and you thanked him. Kageyama didn't say anything as he just surveyed you with his cold and calculating eyes. You found him to be a bit... strange somehow 

It was time for classes to start and your first class was Math, a subject you hated and despised from the very bottom of your heart. You trudged to your math class drearily with an annoyed look on your face as you cursed your damn luck and fate for making math be the fist class for you. You didn't look where you were going as you suddenly bumped into a guy with a yellow streak in his hair. He looked at you with a few strands of your hair falling into your face as you sighed and the guy helped you up. "Whoa, careful there darling. You don't want to go breaking any bones now do you?'' and you thanked him for his help as the bald dude next to him asked you if you were all right. You nodded and you said you had to get going to class before you were too late, as they watched you dash off like your head was on fire. You didn't know you just bumped into Nishinoya and Tanaka from the Karasuno volleyball team

You felt so embarrassed about what happened you tried to hide your face behind your math textbook and pretended to be inconspicuous but all you did was attract the attention of a certain blonde haired dude with glasses. "You know there's no point in trying to hide your ugly face, people will get to know how you look anyways, you could always consider wearing a mask'' he snickered and you set your book down and you glared at him. He was a mix of surprised and amused. Surprised since you actually looked cute and adorable when you were glaring at him like that... with your cute lips looking so inviting for him to kiss you... wait... why the hell was he thinking of something like when he just met you? "I'm not a mirror you god damn salt shaker, go bother someone else'' you grumped and he was even more amused. That didn't stop and prevent him from making and passing sarcastic comments throughout the class and acted like such a jerk to you during the class even though his friend Yamaguchi told him to cut it out 

You were glad math class was done and you immediately rushed out. You felt strange that your friend Yachi wasn't in class with you and when you met her you told her about the guy who made fun of and she spoke "Oh, that was Tsukishima, he might be an entitled prick but he's all right I guess'' as you walked to your next class. You had to get going to your other classes as well and after they were done Yachi told you she'd introduce you to the Karasuno volleyball team. You were excited. You quickly finished eating your lunch and you saw them practicing and you looked at them in awe. Then you saw the guys whom you bumped into earlier before your math class and you went red and became flustered. You just bumped into them earlier and they could sense you were embarrassed because they didn't make too big of a deal out of it. They introduced themselves one by one and you got better acquainted with them 

You've been friends with them for a few weeks now and Sugawara suggested you be their manager. "Gee, I don't know guys I don't think I could be ready for it'' as Kiyoko told you to give it a shot since she felt you'd be great at it and Yachi agreed. With them needling you to become the manger for Karasuno, even Tsukishima wanted you to become the manager and you finally relented so you decided to become the new manager for the Karasuno Volleyball team along with Kiyoko and Haikyuu. You became even more closer with them as the new manager and they loved spending time with you. Daichi, Asahi, Kiyoko and Sugawara were like overprotective parents towards you always being with you during lunch time and making sure you were completing your lunch properly. They didn't want you starving yourself after all they cared for you 

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