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I wasn't a simp for milk boi here before but now.... god DAMN......!!!! OvO

You might be a classmate of Kageyama or a fan of his or his classmate when he was a kid or whatever. But SOMETHING about you will CERTIANLY draw you towards him. You might be gentle and kind or fierce and strong and loyal, either way, he still finds you interesting and his eyes will be on you and aren't gonna move anytime soon, THAT'S for sure 

Milk boy will try to be your friend and try inserting himself into your life 

He is a silent and observing yandere and chooses to show his affection and love through actions rather than words since actions speak louder than words, right?

Possessive ASF and I mean that LITERALLY! He keeps notes and tabs on whatever you do, be it you going downtown to that new roller rink that opened, your favorite store to shop, your favorite cafe and he even keeps tabs on your friends whom he hates and loathes since he always thinks they're trying to get closer to you. If anyone from your friend group tries getting closer to you, he'll start plucking them like little weeds? How? By 'accidentally' spraining their ankle or fracturing their arm and NO, he doesn't give a DAMN if it's a guy or a girl, in the end, they're just trying to take your for themselves

He can be controlling at times, forcing you to eat your food when you're busy doing something else or insisting on walking you home or him dragging you to his volleyball practices and stuff like that

He isn't called 'The King' for nothing. When he's determined to make you his, he'll keep on trying till time ends

At some point, you'll notice a shadow around your presence when you walk these days and when you turn around, you won't see anyone and you'll just shrug and continue on your way. In case you're wondering what the heck that was, oh, it was just Kageyama stalking you so don't worry. He's just making sure you're doing all right and you're safe and he's like your personal bodyguard/ shadow from far. This man is an accomplished stalker no doubt about that. Not to mention that he's also EXTREMELY overprotective of you now. And if he wasn't clingy before, he certainly is now

Will he kidnap you? Well, it depends on the situation you guys are in. If he manages to find a way into your heart, well and good. If you're in a relationship with him, he'll slowly start to get more.... dominating and possessive and a bit controlling as well, telling you who you can hang out with and who is bad for you and all that. He'll try twisting your mind, convincing you what he's doing for you is all for your best interest and well being and that's all he wants. If you're being stubborn or adamant about something, he'll gently but firmly cup your cheek and tell you that he only wants what's best for you and he just wants to keep you safe and he'll plead and cajole you into listening to him and eventually, you'll just cave in. He KNOWS how to wrap you around his little finger. Slowly, he'll start to isolate you from your friends and start distancing you from the outside world and by the time you realize what's happening, it's going to be too late. If you try leaving him, he knows EXACTLY how to get you back since he can read your every move like an open book 

If you start fighting back, he'll just feel a mixture of sadness and anger inside him. But, mostly anger because he's doing so much for you and you're just not willing to cooperate and sad because he really doesn't want to fight with you 

He will sometimes take you out but ONLY if you hold his hand and not talk to anyone outside. And if anyone askes about the 2 of you, Kageyama will say that he's in a relationship with you and will ask that person to get lost

He likes having you lie down on him as he pats your head gently. He might not look like the person who likes cuddles, but he enjoys them with you and he likes your cute little hands as well and takes his time admiring how soft and small and gentle they are 

The more you reject and fight him, the more angry and intense he'll get. He'll literally be a beast if you keep driving him over the edge. He'll let your bad behavior slide for the first few months or so since he'll get how lost and lonely you're feeling but you have him now, you don't need any other person in your life. If you're REALLY feeling alone, he'll give you kids and have a family with you so you won't be able to leave him now and you're permanently bound to him for life 

His children would most likely be whacked out crazy psychopathic lunatic nutjobs like him and he'll help his kids in achieving the person of their dreams and will make sure to teach them all about courting a person. Btw, your kids have a platonic yandere love towards you and are VERY VERY overprotective of you, EXACTLY like their dad. Anyone tries hitting on you while you go out, they'll just kick 'em in where the sun doesn't shine and will ask dear old dad to finish the job by killing them 

When it comes to rivals/ enemies, Kageyama will want things done quickly, fast and as soon as possible so he can get back to you. He also knows how to get rid of any evidence of murder and will make sure not to leave any incriminating evidence behind whatsoever

If you try escaping, punishments usually include locking you up in a room for a couple of hours, that's all. And maybe restrict your usage of your favorite things but once you say sorry to him and apologize, he'll just say, "I hope you remember your lesson'' and will pull you onto his lap and cuddle you. If you're squirming and trying to get away from him, he'll just be like "Be quiet and stop squirming'' and nuzzle his face into your neck leaving your face a bright crimson red 

If you managed to escape from him or if someone were to take you away, he'd be EXACTLY like a storm. Too many emotions and feelings of his would come into play. He'd be feeling a mixture of anger, sadness, devastation and pain and he'll vow to find that person who took you and END them once and for all before you can even call it a day for even DARING to think about you. Will get you back no matter what 

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