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Eita here is a very doting yandere and loves to spoil his sweetheart till no ends. Also, he's really clingy and HELLA possessive, not to mention completely love struck like as if he got shot by Cupid's arrow lol

He's also a big time worshipper for you and he worships the very ground you walk on lol. He views you as the best of the best among all the others and he makes it his responsibility to take care of his darling little angel in this cruel world. Because of his possessiveness and worshipper thing for you, it also makes him kinda delusional sometimes too and thinks that sooner or later, one day you'll finally fall in love with him and see reason of how much he loves and adores you

As much as he doesn't want to, he's also really good at using the UNO Manipulation card. He doesn't really see why you should hang out with those irritating flies and idiots you call friends when they're all using you for their own personal gain. He comes up with a hundred different excuses for you not to hang out with your friends and if you don't want to spend time with him, he'll just pout and be sad and cling to you like a koala till you relent and agree to spend time with him. Sometimes he behaves like a literal child

He is also very concerned about your personal health and well being and will keep a regular check on you if you've eaten your food properly or if you've got enough rest and that sort of thing. And there's no fooling this man when it comes to your schedule, he memorized it so well, you can even wake him up in the middle of the night and he'll recite it

He's also hot headed at times and he holds grudges against people. LONG grudges to be exact. Once someone talks to you too long for his liking or if someone tries flirting with you despite knowing that you're taken, his patience will wear thin and that fool whoever was trying to take you from him is really asking for death wish from him. And he remembers people's faces too. Boi here has the memory of a freaking ELEPHANT. That fool doesn't know what's coming to him. He's already scary enough when he's feeling pissed and mad, he'll have to deal with a hot headed Semi on his heels for the rest of the year, and maybe even bullying if he's feeling in the mood to have some fun. What? The fool deserves to be thrown off the rooftop of the building, you should be glad that he's still alive. For now that is

He literally doesn't give a damn about other people's feelings. His entire world revolves only around you, his god/ goddess. Someone could have a broken arm or something in front of him and he'll just bark at them to grow up and grow a pair but if you so much as have just a teeny tiny paper cut, he'll baby you for the rest of the week, carrying all your stuff for you, not let you do things on your own and heck, even going as far as to feeding you. It'll get annoying after a while though. He's like a snake, cold and distant to the others, nice and caring to the one he loves. YOU

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