A Yandere Oikawa Oneshot

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Prompt 10: Ice Skating🎄

Oikawa would have thought about a million things to do when he's bored,  but ice skating? That was something that hasn't crossed his mind till date. That was of course, till you came in the picture for him

Oikawa had stolen you away from your life, family and friends and when you initially found out what he'd done you were so mad and pissed at him, you stopped talking to him and ignored him. Then he tried to prove how genuine his love was for you which melted your heart a little bit but you still wouldn't budge. Oikawa then knew it was time to pull out his Wild Card, saying how he'll be able to stand it everyone in the world hates and ignores him but please don't look at him with such hate filled eyes like that, you're breaking him and making him miserable, he feels like dying. You finally relented and you soon grew to love him, since he does treat you well after all

You were sitting on the couch at the present and watching some TV. You knew Christmas was coming soon and only a few days away and you wanted to do something special. As you flicked through the channels on the TV, you landed on a channel where you could see the people there ice skating and that's what gave you your idea for the day. You glanced at Jason who was back of you, and spoke "Tooru, I have an idea for what to do this Christmas'' and he looked at you. "It better not be something illegal'' he spoke and you smiled "No silly, how about we go ice skating?" you asked him and he immediately shot up straight and went "Ice skating?'' and you replied "Yeah?'' "Uhh.... how about we do something else instead?"

You quirked a brow and replied "Aww.... what's the matter, scared I'll beat you~" you teased and he smirked and replied "Oh you're so on'' and both of you went to get ready. It's not that Oikawa was scared of ice skating, he was scared of trying something new like that and being made fun of if he wasn't good at it. That was the same case with you but you were going to focus on having fun. Who knows? Maybe one of you will exceed at it today

After you guys were done getting ready, you guys went to the mall's ice skating rink and you both put on your ice skating shoes and went in. When you tried to move, you were about to slip and Tooru caught you by the arm and he smirked "What's the matter ice skating princess?" and you turned red and mumbled a 'Shut up' to him. Even Oikawa was slipping every now and then and you couldn't help but giggle at the sight. "All right, fine, I don't know how to ice skate, happy?" you admitted after a while and he smiled and spoke "Yeah, I don't know how to ice skate either, but hey, I think I'm getting the hang of this'' and he went around the rink and even managed to do an 8

He was actually a decent skater, no, a rather awesome one instead. He'd learnt ice skating in just a matter of a few hours, you had to take a pic of Tooru, he looked really cute. By the end, he was actually smiling and told you how much fun he's had. You laughed but you knew that you guys needed a break, you had a feeling if you left Oikawa on his own, he'd be ice skating for the rest of the day

Tooru skated towards you and he pulled you close to him by the arm and kissed your head and mumbled an 'I love you' to you and you hugged him back. The atmosphere was nice, with Christmas decorations above and you both were standing on an ice skating rink, hugging each other, you both did have fun after all :)

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