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Music is a really powerful and melodious way of expressing feelings and emotions. One might even say that it's magical and it's a way of expressing feelings that can't be put in mere words or can't be measured in numbers. It has the power to heal the heart and soothe the mind at the same time and makes it whole from the melodies we listen to. You really loved listening to music and you didn't really have a favorite genre per se, you enjoyed all types of music rock, fusion, slow and whatnot

But your most favorite was the jazz music genre. You liked the way the bossa nova, piano and especially the saxophone created such a soothing and relaxing melody together. Even when you were sitting in your room you felt like you were on a walk in Paris or New York or Manhattan during the sunset or the night time with all the lights shimmering all around like beautiful sequins. You couldn't explain the feeling the saxophone gave you, it gave you a strange feeling that was for sure. You researched about the saxophone on Google and it mentioned that it was an instrument used to express romance. You didn't want to believe it at first but little did you know, that was in fact a true statement which you'd also find out about in a really short while

Currently when you were listening to some relaxing jazz music on Youtube you checked the notifications and saw that the person whose songs you were listening to would come to the park around your locality. His name was Felix and you really loved the way he played jazz music. He was your favorite out of all the other saxophone players and even the jazz instrumentalists for that matter because the way he could combine the melody and the tune of the saxophone with other instruments, you felt like you were in heaven when you were listening to his songs. Your perfect and ideal way of relaxing was sipping some hot tea or hot chocolate, dim lights along with working on one of your stories or novels or even reading a book for that matter. Ah, that was a blissful life for you. It wouldn't really hurt if it rained either, you liked the pitter patter sound outside and it made the experience of you listening to jazz even more magical

You couldn't believe your eyes when you read that Felix was coming to the park nearby your house and you were out of your mind with immense excitement and happiness. You couldn't believe your fine stroke of luck, you've always admired his music and the fact that he'd be playing so close by you was enough to make you by tickets for his show or concert no matter what the cost was. You simply had to listen to him play live and if you could actually get the chance to meet him it would be an icing on the cake. You went online and found out that $55. You immediately asked your mother for the money and she handed it to you and you thanked her. She smiled and told you to have fun since she knew you really loved jazz and wanted you to have a good time

The concert was the next day and you couldn't help but gush all day long to one of your best friends, none other than Atsumu Miya. The thing was, Atsumu already knew you liked listening to jazz music and he thought you had good taste. But when you were busy telling him about this jazz player who was coming to the park nearby he couldn't help but smile. You looked so cute and adorable when you speak about something you love and something you're so fond of. He finds your excitement and the sparkle in your eyes endearing. "I can't believe he's actually coming near where I live! I'm so going to his concert'' Wait.... HIS? Atsumu wondered if he heard right

The jazz player was a HE? Oh HELL NO! Perhaps he better come along just to make sure you're safe. After all what sort of future husband would he be for you if he didn't make sure you were safe, it would be rather disgraceful. Atsumu made sure to purchase a ticket as well so he could accompany you and make sure that random Casanova/ Romeo didn't try anything funny with you however there was a teensy little complication. This dude didn't have an actual picture of himself on the Internet no matter how much he searched

The day of the concert finally came and it was during the evening at 7:00 at the park near your house. You quickly threw on some comfortable clothes, stuffed some muffins and cookies and dashed out of your house like the Quicksilver(Oh whoops... wrong fandom TvT) and you rushed into the park. You were excited to finally be able to see Felix play live. There was a gazebo with a stage at the center and the entire park was surrounded by beautiful glimmering fairy lights that made the place look like a greeting card as the stars shone above in the clear dark sky like diamonds. It felt magical and there were other people around as well. You didn't know that Atsumu bought a ticket as well and that he'd be coming here as well. So imagine your surprise when he tapped your shoulder and he was smiling at you

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