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You know the saying hopelessly and deliriously in love? Yep, that's Yachi for you all right. She's actually quite adorable, whenever the two of your eyes meet she just becomes all flustered and rambles something or the other. But despite her being shy and flustered around you she's always around you no matter what like your shadow, never really leaving you alone for even a single moment

Yachi can be level headed and sensitive to almost everything. She's also really quick to get jealous about something small and petty. Remember that girl from your math class who lent you her pen when you asked her for it? Yep, she's fuming with jealousy now, if was supposed to be HER who should give you a pen, not some random person. And why would you sit with a bunch of unknown people and people you barely even know properly when you can sit with your best friend Yachi? The other day someone asked you to be their partner for the biology assignment you guys had due the next week and Yachi was so jealous she 'accidentally' made the test tubes in the lab fall on that person's foot. It was nothing personal, she just couldn't risk some random undeserving moron stealing you away from her, they wouldn't know how to take care of you and treat you with love like her

Even though she acts like an obsessed creepy stalker towards you she's at least aware of her feelings for you so in a way that's kind of okay I guess? The intensity of her love when it comes to you frightens her. She's willing to do anything to prove herself to you and even go as far as hurting people to prove her love for you. She knows it's wrong and absolutely unnatural, but she just can't help it. You make her heart beat like crazy, you make her feel... alive like never before. People say the feeling of love is the best feeling in the world and it's like an adrenaline rush, a strange and warm feeling courses through the body and she's experiencing all that. She only dreams of the perfect kiss the two of you will share at some point very soon in your lives and the perfect relationship with each other as well. She's pretty advanced and ahead when it comes to planning that's for sure

She likes making little things like hand-crafted items such as Keychains and scarves and mittens and little dolls made of cloth and other material for you. Just random craft stuff, to prove how much she loves you. She even likes baking stuff for you such as muffins and cupcakes and pastries. She loves it when you compliment her on her various skills, please compliment her on her skills, I beseech you. She really does need the confidence boost especially from you, it'll really make her day. Her reactions are actually pretty adorable, her eyes widen in surprise when she gets to know that you like her gifts, she feels a little tingling sensation inside her which makes her feel good and she becomes all flustered and red and starts rambling something or the other

I can't actually see this cinnamon roll harming someone. Sure, she might do a few things from time to time to prevent people stealing you away from her but whatever she does is kind of harmless in a way. But I'd advise you not to test her though. Love is the strongest motivator of all, if love is a person's strength they'll do whatever they can and will in their power to ensure their loved one is with them for good. And a person who's motivated with love is quite dangerous indeed. She might look innocent and harmless but we all have an ugly side in us that we keep hidden away from the rest of the world. She'll let that ugly side out if she has to only during sure situations, else she's chill and easy going

She doesn't want much in life, all she wants is your love. She's also insecure of herself that you'll never love her for her flaws. You really have no idea how happy you make her whenever you compliment her for something. She doesn't want you leaving her, it's a thought too painful for her to process. She also behaves like an overprotective parent at times always concerned for your health and whether or not you're sleeping properly and consuming your meals and everything properly. She doesn't want you neglecting your health which is why she'll make a mental note the days you skip lunch for studying so she'll drag you to eat with her. The very next day, she'll have a bento box in her hands and she'll hand it to you as she watches over you like a hawk to make sure you finish everything in that damn bento box

She's a good person to have in a time of need or comfort. Don't worr, you can always count on her whenever you need something but when she confesses her feelings for you, it's better for you and everyone if you just accept it. There'll be a whole lot less drama involved. She'll not kidnap you or anything but she'll make you feel guilty and bad for rejecting her. Just, please for the sake of everyone's sanity accept her confession and have a nice relationship with her. There's a 98 percent chance you'll have a normal peaceful relationship with her without her yandere tendencies popping up from nowhere

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