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While growing up you used to be really close to your cousin, she was practically like your sister even though she wasn't your actual sister. Now, it's not that you didn't like your family and your cousins and aunts and uncles and stuff, you liked them. But there's only so much of family togetherness you could take before you could snap and end up ripping your hair out in frustration because they always pried their noses into what you were doing and comparing you with their kids, it was so annoying you wanted to use your quirk on them to make them keep quiet. Unfortunately that would end up in you getting grounded for eternity

Your were already having a pretty cruddy day. You were so tired by the time lunch period came around as you were sitting with Yamaguchi and chatting with him, your phone started ringing. You were a bit confused and you looked at the phone to see that your mother was calling you. Your mother and you converse in English but you had to talk with your other family members and relatives in your native tongue. "Mom, is there any reason you're calling me during school hours?" "Yeah, your cousin is getting married the proposal is finalized and the wedding is this week so we have lots to do. After you come home we'll put mehndi(Mehndi is a form of body art and temporary skin decoration usually drawn on hands or legs, in which decorative designs are created on a person's body, using a paste, created from the powdered dry leaves of the henna plant. These days people apply this for weddings and big celebrations that take place in India)

You groaned and you spoke "Mom, do I have to go to her wedding? I mean, I'll just facetime her or something and wish her and her future to be husband good luck. And he'll actually need it since he has to deal with her now for the rest of his life'' you snorted and you could hear your mother's indignant voice telling you off as you sighed and replied "Fine fine, I'll be at home and apply that mehndi, doesn't mean I'll like it though'' and you grumped. It's not that you weren't proud of your culture, you were but you were also extremely self conscious since people poked fun of you before and you didn't want to go through something like that again. Yamaguchi heard your conversation and looked interested and he asked "So, whose wedding is it? I mean, I know it's not any of my business-'' but you cut him off with that dazzling smile of yours that he fell in love with and you replied "Nah, don't worry about it, my cousin's getting married. And hey, you wouldn't be interested in tagging along would you? I'd actually be lonely there''

He shot you a surprised look and though internally he was literally fanboying and was restraining himself from going all hyper since his precious angel asked him out, or at least that's the delusion he's under, he asked "Why would you be lonely? I mean, if it's a wedding won't your family be there?" and your shoulders just slumped and sighed and replied "Well yeah but they can be a bit... overbearing at times and everyone's going to be busy doing their own things and I could use the company. I'm not forcing you to come though, it's all right'' but Yamaguchi grinned and replied "Are you kidding, of course I'd LOVE to come, it would be so cool!" and his eyes sparkled

"Oh, and another thing" you said and he looked at you and looked curious as you spoke "It's going to be an Indian wedding. Which means it will take a really really long time'' but he still wouldn't back out, in fact this was the perfect excuse for spending more time with you, the love of his life. He was so excited, he immediately started searching what to wear after classes were done. He knew very well your parents would freak TF out if your friend and also their future son in law would attend the wedding in casual wear. So after much deliberation and help from the rest of the Karasuno team and a few snide comments from the salty salt shaker Tsukishima here and there, he finally settled on a blue colored Sherwani(A type of Kurta worn by Indian men for weddings)

"Your daughter invited me for the wedding that would take place today'' said Yamaguchi after he introduced himself to your parents and your father regarded him with calculating eyes and spoke "You look like a smart young man, you're good'' and you...

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"Your daughter invited me for the wedding that would take place today'' said Yamaguchi after he introduced himself to your parents and your father regarded him with calculating eyes and spoke "You look like a smart young man, you're good'' and you met Yamaguchi and as soon as you saw him you were like 'Well damn sweet Jesus and Ganesh, he looks good'

And Yamaguchi was thinking the exact same thing, you looked like a beautiful Indian queen, not just a princess, a queen. You broke the silence and you spoke "Yeah, I know I look weird'' and he replied "What? No, you look... amazing, you look beautiful, breathtaking, I can't describe how wonderful you look'' and he had a dark blush on his face and so did you. You were wearing a red colored saree and Yamaguchi loved it. The priest/ pandit was chanting the holy verses and Yamaguchi looked confused as to what was happening as you explained all the procedures and protocols that needed to be followed

During the wedding, you bumped into one of the more... judgmental aunt's of yours as she plastered a fake smile and asked you how things were going on. You knew it was only a matter of time before she started comparing you to her kid and before you knew it, she was. "My son has achieved a lot in this month you know? And what have you won this month darling?'' and you were restraining yourself from calling her unflattering names and smacking her but before you could answer Yamaguchi came to your defense and spoke "She's won many friends at UA and she's one of the best students there miss'' and he smiled at her but your aunt had to create a mountain out of a molehill. She narrowed her eyes and spoke "I didn't know you were the type to get into the wrong company like this dear, I knew this country was spoiling you, and yet you still don't want to talk in your mother tongue'' and you felt furious, she was indirectly insulting you

You smirked and replied "Aunt, e bhasha matladaaniki naa ishtam. Inga, Kiri ikkada, na friend, poina sari neenu reality check chessinappudu oka ammai inga okka abbai friends unduchhu, lovers ganni unducchu, idhi 21st century, samayam maarusthundi'' (Literal translation from Telugu to English: Aunt, it's my wish I can talk in whatever language I want. And Kiri here is my friend, last time I did a reality check, a boy and a girl can be friends. They can also be lovers, this is the 21st century times are changing)'' and your aunt scoffed at you as you grabbed Yamaguchi 's hand and walked away

He was confused as to what happened but after you told him about that little stand off you had with your aunt, he made a mental note to have a little 'talk' with her later. She was rude to you and he couldn't tolerate it if people were rude to you, even if it's your own family. You explained to Yamaguchi why the bride and the groom had to go around the holy fire (Called the yagnam) chanting their vows and promising each other that they'd be with each other till 7 lifeforms and Yamaguchi thought it was a neat concept. "It's like a royal wedding, so manly'' he kept gushing and saying about a dozen times that day, he was just so excited and happy to be here with you

He started fantasizing about his and your wedding. You would be wearing a royal life red saree with gold embroidered borders, as you hold your pinky finger in his and walk around the yagna with your husband to be Yamaguchi and say your vows to each other... accepting each other as husband and wife, he's so desperately wishing for that day to come. And he's even excited to hold your hand and keep you close by his side as you both look at the northern star Arundhathi and Vashishta for a happy married life(They are believed to be the ideal couple in Indian mythology, the couple that looks at the star is expected to fulfill their due roles towards each other and to live a happy married life) and the song that would be playing would be 'Kalyanam Vaibhogam' a Telugu song since one, you said it was your favorite song and two, it was about marriage, love, and devotion to each other. And Yamaguchi was already pretty whipped for you, you've basically got him wrapped around your pinkie he's like a little lovesick puppy

Yamaguchi noticed your hands and he asked you what was that you had on your hands and you told him it was mehndi. He wanted some too and you giggled as you grabbed a mehndi cone and drew some designs on his hand. He also knew that you were supposed to write the name of your loved one or spouse on the mehndi design so when he asked to write your name on his hand, he was indirectly asking you out. You blushed and complied, and he soon ended up asking you out after dinner was done and you accepted him. It's like people say, people DO fall in love with each other during weddings, almost TOO much in love....

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