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Requested by @cwinterg and I hope you enjoy :) 

Bokuto as a yandere would be clingy, possessive and completely delusional to the CORE, no amount of logic and reasoning would work with this one when he falls for you and when he falls in love with you, he falls HARD. He's like a puppy that follows you everywhere, even if you tell him not to your words would just enter his ear and go right out of the other, sometimes you feel like you're speaking to a brick wall because of how your logic and reasoning won't work on him. But he does mean well for you, he just wants to be around you all the time. He loves being around you, he considers it as a blessing if he's even in the same room as you and gets to see your beautiful face as much as he can. He'll always have things ready for you whenever you need something, if you're feeling hungry, he'll pull a snack out of his pocket for you. If you're feeling cold, here, you can have his jacket. You don't even need to return it, keep it so you can show it as a souvenir for your future kids when you both get married and when he's telling your future children of how he met his darling. Yes, he's already fantasizing about marriage with you, he's too far gone into the chasm of madness and obsession for you 

It doesn't matter how you meet him, but you won't be able to leave without him being captivated by your presence and his heart screaming at him to make you his as soon as possible. Since he's always following you around, privacy be damned. He'd love it if you watch him during practice and he'll always make sure to do his best whenever you're around so you can compliment him and be impressed with his skills. He'd love it when you attend his matches but he won't see your actions as something platonic, he thinks you're in love with him already and you both are in a relationship with each other, in his mind of course. You're his pillar of strength and support, he feels like he can always do his best whenever you're around him, you just give him that extra boost of energy he needs the most. He feels the adrenaline rushing through him whenever he wins a match or scores a point and you cheer him on, he feels like he's on top of the world and it's the best feeling he's ever felt. You look so adorable and endearing cheering him on with your dazzling smile and clapping for him as his heart grows warm with love and an overwhelming surge of affection for you 

As kind, gentle and caring as he might be, he isn't stupid. He can be crafty when he wants to be. As much as he hates to do this, he'll even resort to guilt tripping you to spend time with him so you won't get distracted by those pesky friends of yours who're trying to steal you away from him in his opinion. Why would you want to hang out with those undeserving lousy pests when he's there to protect you, love you and keep you safe? Do you not like him anymore or something? Question after question would be reeling through his mind hundred miles per second as he spins some random story about why you can't hang out with your friend you're supposed to be hanging out with and how you should totally hang out with him instead. You need to hand it to him though, he is one DETERMINED guy, when he wants to have a life and future with you, he will do whatever the hell it takes to ensure his dream of spending his life with you doesn't get ruined or jeopardized in any way

He's not above tarnishing someone's reputation to make you stay away from them. They're a bad influence on you, he's worried they'd corrupt your sweet personality and he's doing you a favor as your protector to keep you safe from such dangerous people who just want to take advantage of you. He'll fill your mind with lies and weave false tales and stories about them as your opinion of the person he's speaking about would get shattered because he's Bokuto after all, he can't be malicious and hurt someone, right? That's what YOU think but he has a darker unhinged side to his personality that he won't hesitate to bring out when the situation calls for it. He'll hold you and comfort you in a slightly patronizing tone and have a lovesick grin on his face as he basks in the warmth of your embrace while he whispers more and more lies about the people around you till you rely and trust only on him and no one else. He doesn't even feel bad for what he's doing, there's no reason for you to be needing other people, not when he's around for you 

He's always stalking the living daylights out of you. You might even notice a few things of yours missing like your favorite lip gloss or your favorite book or whatever missing from your room. Don't mind him, he's just collecting a few souvenirs for himself when he pays you a daily night visit whenever you're fast asleep. He might even snap a few pictures of you sleeping as he gently caresses your cheek and kisses your lips lovingly, eagerly waiting for the day he can kiss you everyday. He'll examine everything about your room and he won't like it when he sees you with other guys than him. Of course he doesn't blame you, you can't do anything wrong in his eyes. It's THEM he despises as he makes sure to have a 'little chat' with guys who get too close to you which would often involve lots of blood and broken bones, none of which would be from his side for sure 

He might be childish at times but he's a completely different person altogether when he gets jealous. His usual friendly grin would be replaced with a much more sinister and darker look on his face as his expression gives off a warning to the other person to stay the hell away from you before they regret it. He honestly isn't above murdering people as well, it's for your sake after all. Don't question the blood on his hands for the sake of your own sanity. However deep down he has this paranoia of losing you and his paranoia and anxiety would fuel his desire and urge to kidnap you and take you for himself. He won't use things like sedatives or drugs or hit you on the head, he doesn't want to hurt you after all. He doesn't want to see you hurt, he doesn't believe in hurting the person he loves. He'll just kidnap you in the night and you'll wake up the next day smack right next to him on his bed with his arm wrapped around you possessively as he cuddles with you. Of course, you'll scream on top of your lungs as his eyes flutter open and he shoots you a warm smile and kisses your cheek. "Good morning beautiful, how'd you sleep? Welcome to your new home with me'' he spoke with a happy cheerful smile on his face, pretending like he didn't do anything wrong and illegal by literally kidnapping you in the night 

He wants a cute little thing like you greeting him every time he comes back home and wants that blissful domestic lifestyle with you. It's like you're playing house, except there's no way out for you and the game is never ending. He's also quite touchy too, he likes having his arm around your waist or your shoulders and just likes cuddling with you. He can cuddle with you for HOURS on the couch, wrapping you in a bone crushing hug, smothering you with his love and affection till you literally feel suffocated and you have to BEG him to allow you some room to breathe. He just loves you that much. When I said he was delusional, I meant it. Even if you try escaping from him, he'll just track you down with the help of his friend Akaashi and he'll think the reason you've run off from him is because he didn't shower you with enough of his love but at the same time, you've also been naughty so congratulations, you're now tied to the bed with silk ropes and you're not allowed to leave his sight for a second. Don't take this the wrong way, he cares for your safety and doesn't want you getting hurt. You're the future parent of his children after all and what sort of husband would he be if he can't keep his beloved darling safe? 

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