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So I know this is kinda late but I still wanted to do a New year fanfiction

Christmas was finally done and it was December 31st, the year was finally about to be done and you still couldn't wrap your head around the fact that the year was ending. You've had your own fair share of drama during this year and there was some part of you that was skeptical of the new year and the other part of you was excited for another year to start. You didn't really have any plans for the new year so you just decided to chill and work on some incomplete writing projects you couldn't finish during this year because everytime you looked at them, it just gave you a guilty feeling. You opened your books and you were in a flow now, writing and writing till you received a call from none other than Hinata Shoyo which was surprising because you thought he had his own thing going on that day. He was part of the Karasuno volleyball team after all, he'd be invited to tons of parties and be around loads of people to have fun with, so why would he be calling you?

Nevertheless you still picked up the phone and spoke "Hey what's up. How are you?" He replied that he was fine and after a few minutes of light talk he sprung the question on you, whether or not you'll be interested in spending time with him for the New Year's Eve and you answered "Sure, I'd love to" and he was practically beaming from the other side of the phone so much, he could radiate light from the intensity of his smile. The two of you bade farewell to each other on the phone but not before Hinata said he'd pick you up at 6 pm. He felt so elated when you agreed to spend time witn him and he immediately called up the other Karasuno team members to update them on the developments about you and they congratulated Hinata for his great feat. Now the next step for him was to plan the perfect setting with some lights, fireworks and create the perfect atmosphere to ask you out

You might not have noticed this but even if Hinata is a pretty outgoing dude and almost everyone noticed him, he's really good at being sneaky and quiet when he wants to. He's pretty stealthy when it comes to keeping a watchful eye on you as your guardian like he prefers to call it whereas other people prefer to call his behavior disturbing and say he acts like a creep and a stalker. It's not really being creepy and stalkerish when you're just protecting someone you love, right? Why, just recently during practice you were about to get hurt by a ball but luckily he was there to prevent the ball from hitting you. Don't worry dear, he'll always be there for you no matter what, even if you know he's there for you or not

You wanted to stick with something casual yet something nice and unique as well so you decided to wear a red kimono, you've always been wanting to wear one anyways and now was a perfectly good chance as any other. You quickly munched on a few cookies as you dashed out of your house like your head was on fire. You finally caught up with Hinata who was waiting for you at the park and he beamed a million watt smile when he saw you and started blushing like crazy when he saw you in your kimono. You looked like such a beautiful elegant doll, that needed to be treated with immense care, like a fragile piece of glass. "Hinata, why are you staring at me like that? Do I look weird?" you asked him and he immediately shook his head so vigorously you were half certain his head would fall off. "Of course not, you look gorgeous. Dazzling even... like a fairytale princess" he winked and you became red as you told him to stop. The two of you then headed for the shops around you to shop for some little trinkets and small stuff. You really loved shopping for things like that and Hinata got you some delicious dango which you relished the taste

You guys were having a fun time together when you passed by a wall that had a flyer stuck to it announcing that there was a New Year's celebration event near the local park downtown and the two of you decided to head down there for the event. You were immediately greeted with loud music blaring from speakers around the place, people chatting and the usual hustle and bustle, food sellers yelling out to people around them to try their food and you felt overwhelmed for a moment. Hinata wrapped a protective arm around you and steered you from the mob of people around you so you could have more space and at least breathe a bit better and you thanked him. The two of you went around to explore the place for a bit when suddenly people near the stage started cheering for some reason. You got to know that there would be people playing live music and you decided to see the performance. It was a band that was playing, there was a drummer named Kenta Mori, the bassisst Takahiro Azula, the pianist Alaric Grove and finally, the lead singer, Kensuke Rintaro. The crowd erupted in cheers when they arrived and the smoke effects around them immediately went off as the lead singer announced "Welcome to a special evening everyone, love the energy you guys have! How about we welcome the new year with this energy? What do you guys say?!" as the crowd went wild

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