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Tendou here as a yandere would no doubt be very over protective over you and obsessive of you. And not to mention delusional, whatever you do according to him is like a sign and declaration of love for him. Like if you give him so much as a freaking pencil he thinks you like him and he'll start blushing. If you invite him to have lunch with you it's practically a date isn't it? Well to him that is

And he's also really really clingy to you as well, he rarely ever leaves your side and always sticks with you like some sort of koala or glue or something. He is also protective over you he can't help but be nervous about how you might be at the moment when he's not there around, what if something happened to you? Are you safe, did you drink water? He becomes all mother hen for you

He also wants to be the one to make you feel everything, he wants to make you smile and laugh and when you do laugh at something he says, he feels really happy. He feels like he's finally found the reason to live, to serve you and be with you, be your loving and caring husband and protect you from all the dark and corrupt things. He's utterly fascinated with whatever you do really, you could so much as be drinking just water and he'll still find a way to pinch your cheeks and say how adorable you look while doing so. It's cute and creepy at the same time

Does he stalk you? Is that even a question to be asked? He rarely every lets you leave his side, he'll either drop you off home since he doesn't want anything happening to you like you getting robbed or something like that. He'll never forgive himself if something like that ever happened to you, he'd rather burst an artery. And if you do try going somewhere without him he will find out and he will 'keep an eye on you' as he prefers to call it, he's like your very own guardian angel

As much as he doesn't want to, he'll slowly cut you off from your friends since he wants you to be dependent only on him and no one else. He thinks the other people are out to get you and corrupt his darling angel and they can't be trusted. Besides, you don't really need them anyways, they're insignificant pests and they're just using you he's certain of it. He really hates and despises your friends, he thinks they're like annoying flies, always trying to steal you away from you true love and keeping you all to themselves, how selfish of them

He'll teach you how to play volleyball if you're interested and he'll love it when you finally learn how to play. But whenever you play matches with him sometimes he'll purposefully lose to make you happy and get more confidence in yourself. And if you don't really feel confident about yourself either in volleyball or about your looks or whatever don't worry, he's there to kiss all those bad and negative thoughts about yourself away and get rid of those insecurities for you. He's there for you darling, you're not alone in this war anymore, you have him

Yes he will kidnap you after a certain period of time and he doesn't want to punish you when you misbehave like escaping from him but he has to do it for your own good. But it won't be anything too drastic, he'll just lock you in a room till you're ready to say sorry and admit you were wrong. And after that it's all cuddles and kisses with you. It won't be too easy to manipulate him though, once he catches you he'll grab your chin with his finger and smirk at you and whisper in your ear "You wanna say that again sweetheart'' and will do whatever the hell he can to make you all shy and flustered, that prick

You both will have movie and anime marathons with each other and you'll even play video games with each other as well. You don't even need to work, he'll become a professional volleyball player and earn millions soon enough so he'll look after his little spouse and spoil the living hell out of you. All he just asks from you is you to love him, that's not so hard is it?

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