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You and Hinata Shoyo used to be childhood friends and he was the best friend you could ever ask for. He was really sweet, kind and caring. Unfortunately you'd only see each other whenever you'd visit your aunt's place in Japan during the times you had your vacation else you lived in California with your parents. There used to be a giant swing in your aunt's house and you and Hinata would frequently go and play there for a long time. Hinata loved spending time with you, he was willing to abandon his homework for you to play with you. He HATED and DESPISED it whenever you paid attention to someone else other than him. So his possessiveness for you started from an early and young age

He loved being as close as possible with you at every second of the day no matter what. He'd pull you aside into one of your aunt's rooms on the upper floors and ask you to kiss him on the cheek. It kind of became your thing, whenever you both were together he'd ask you for a kiss on the cheek. You literally turned red the first time he asked you to kiss him on the cheek but you closed your eyes and quickly pecked him on the cheek as you drew away as fast as possible. "Y/N, no fair that wasn't a proper kiss!" whined Hinata and you replied "But I HAVE kissed you, you can't deny that!" and he smirked and replied "No worries, I'll make you kiss my lips one day when we're married'' and your eyes widened in surprise. "When we're MARRIED?!" you asked him in shock unable to believe your ears and he nodded. "You're my queen, I will be your king and I'll always protect you no matter what. You will be my wife in the future, that's a promise'' and your heart started beating even more rapidly after what he said. Then you both began to watch a movie and there was a part where the bad guys were killing someone and you go scared and he comforted you by placing a comforting arm around you and kissing your head and spoke "Don't worry, I'm here for you'' as he let you cuddle with him and kept a protective arm around you

You loved spending time with him till it was time for you to go back to California. You were always sad whenever you had to leave and he always felt sad too when you'd leave. He'd cling by your side till his parents would tell him that he had to let you go since you guys had a flight to catch. With your studies and as time passed, your visits would become less frequent and you didn't go over to your aunt's place since a really long time. You wondered what happened to your best friend Hinata and what could he possibly be up to. You'd relocated back to Japan permanently and you were going to be starting a new school there, and you were pretty excited. You quickly got ready and after your classes were done you went to the cafeteria and sat down to read your book, and the guy next to you spoke "That's a nice book you're reading, it's one of my favorites'' and you looked up to see a guy interested in your book

You smiled and replied "Yeah, in fact this is a gift from one of my childhood friend's at my 10th birthday party. He knows I love books'' and you sighed wistfully wishing he was here. "Huh, that's odd. I remember gifting that book to someone too... her name was Y/N L/N...'' and you stared at him dumbfounded, unable to believe your ears. "Wait... hold on, don't tell me... Are you... are you Hinata Shoyo!?" you asked him, filled with a sense of hope that you've finally found your friend as your heart beat rapidly against your chest. "Yes... and you're Y/N? Wow, I can't believe it's you!" he exclaimed as you were at a loss for words. He then pulled you in for a hug and his voice came out muffled "I really missed you... a lot... We have a LOT of catching up to do and you smiled and replied "I really missed you too'' as you both talked with each other. "Japan has become pretty unsafe these days Y/N, I'll be here for you'' and you giggled to yourself and replied "Just like the old times huh?" and he smiled "Just like the old times... just the two of us'' but it was easier said than done

 He's always loved you when you were kids and when he made that promise about you marrying him, he FULLY intended on sticking with it. He bugged your phone just to keep an eye on you to make sure you were safe and he followed you everywhere without your knowledge. He's so happy you're back, he's been STARVING for your touch and longing for it so which is why whenever you sleep in the night he just climbs in through your window and cuddles with you as he kisses your lips softly telling you how much he missed you and how it would be just the two of you for good and no one else would come in the way

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