A Yandere Sugawara Oneshot

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Who would have ever expected that a golden boy like Koushi Sugawara could have such a dark and twisted side to him? People aren't always what the appear to seem from the surface and that was something you had to learn

Sugawara is a protective person by nature and he's very protective of the ones he loves. Along with that, he's also quite possessive and clingy of you, rarely ever leaving your side and under the delusion that you needs protection. He has to protect you, you're such an innocent naive little angel that people in this twisted world would take advantage of

For a while Sugawara decided to just be friends with you so he could get to know you better. Along with his daily routine of stalking you and following you around of course, he got to know the real, and natural you. And he was enthralled with you, you were like a divine being sent from the heavens above all just for him and he later realizes that he's falling in love with you. But his definition of love for you was something much more sinister and darker as his feelings for you everyday were just spinning wildly out of control

Sugawara planned on asking you out today and he was determined to win your heart and prevent you from slipping away from him. Oh, how he had to endure all that torture seeing you with other people, laughing with them and touching them and smiling at them, he felt his blood boil with rage and anger

He'd death glare at people but with a friendly smile as he'd drag you away to ask you for your help with something or the other. Or he'd make up excuses like how you needed help with some subjects' homework and you needed extra tutoring sessions from him but you forgot? Yeah... he doesn't like doing these things but you're forcing him to do so darling, he can't tolerate seeing you talk with other people. He thinks they're all trying to corrupt you

"Hey Y/N! Over here!" you saw Sugawara waving madly at you as you sighed and tried to think of an excuse to avoid talking to him. It's not that you didn't like Sugawara, well... to be honest, you also thought that sometimes he creeped you out but if you told that out loud, you'd no doubt be teased in public. Why would someone like Sugawara creep a person out? You had the answer to that question. Event though he reminded you of a golden retriever, he was so clingy and smothering with you and overbearing as well. You just needed a break from him

"Hey Sugawara, I was just about to get going to class-'' you spoke but he cut you off and spoke "Let's walk together. By the way, I was wondering if I could take you out to that new cafe that opened up a few miles from here in the evening, is that all right with you sweetheart?" he beamed at you and you couldn't possibly say no to him, not when he looked so enthusiastic about something as you replied sure. Classes were soon done and he kept sending you messages as you got home so you wouldn't forget that you had to meet up with him at 6:00 in the evening for both of you to go the cafe

It was soon 6:00 in the evening and you put on something comfortable yet sleek and posh and you saw Sugawara waiting outside your house. You were confused, you never told Sugawara where you lived till date and you slowly asked him "Sugawara, I never told you where I lived, how did you... how did you find out where I live?" and he simply smiled at you and replied "You must have forgotten angel, I clearly remember telling me your address, I even wrote it down somewhere. Anyways, I hope you're excited, we'll have such a good time'' you should have noticed the red flags of him around you sooner else you could have avoided what fate had in store for you

You guys reached the cafe but while you were walking, you heard some people making degrading comments about you and you tried to ignore them but Koushi was livid, he was about to punch them in the face till you grabbed his hand and told him to just ignore it. How could he ignore it when the love of his life was getting taunted like that? He gritted his teeth and decided to take care of those pricks later, right now he had a little date with you to enjoy. You had to admit, you had a good time with him and he suddenly pulled a dreaded question on you, he finally asked you out. You wanted to say no, you weren't ready for a relationship yet and you needed some time to think or you just wanted to be friends with him, but your heart manipulated your mind and forced you to say something else altogether

You agreed to be his significant other much to his happiness and pleasure and as you guys were coming back from the cafe, you passed the same guys again. This time however Sugawara told you that you could head home, he pretended he had some work to do as he dragged those pricks to a nearby alleyway and gouged their eyes out. The next day on the news, much to your surprise and horror the very same guys who were taunting you and making such degrading comments about you were now murdered with their eyes gouged out and you had a sick feeling settling in your stomach. You weren't clueless, you knew and had a feeling who could be behind this and you decided to confront him about it

You cornered Sugawara in school that day and you demanded answers from him. "Sugawara, did you have something to do with those guys getting their eyes gouged out?" you asked him as he simply smiled at you in that sweet yet sickeningly way, pulled you closer to him as he replied ''I gouged their eyes out because I didn't like the way they looked at you'' and your heart almost stopped beating as your blood turned to ice. You couldn't believe what you were hearing, you promised him you wouldn't tell anyone about his secret and you just wanted to leave but he just cooed at you and you felt something prick your neck before you saw nothing but darkness. He stroked your hair and kissed your head softly promising you how he'd always take care of you, oh dear, if only you'd have known what you were getting yourself into....

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