Prologue: It's the end of the world as we know it. And I feel fine.

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The end of the world started, when the Bauer Brothers sat down for dinner. 

Ethan Bauer had by no chance a normal life. But then again, there was no such thing as a normal life in his family. After his father died and his older brother Jacob Bauer was expelled and then ran away, it was just him and his Muggleborn Mother, Caroline. Now Jacob was back. And Ethan could remember his mother being chocked with joy when he was seen on the Train Station coming back with his brother. 

But dinner that night on Ethan's birthday on July 4th was Chicken Wings. Ethan loved them and Caroline always told her children that they can have whatever they wanted on their birthday. Miracles like that. But it was also another significant day for Ethan. This was his 17th birthday, and that meant Ethan was now of age in the Wizarding World. Which not for nothing was a very big deal. There was also a bit of hollow in it as well, because Jacob never fully got to celebrate his 17th birthday. He was kind of busy being trapped in a portrait all that time.  

He didn't really have any of his friends over either. Most of them did their own things over the Summer, and it didn't work in with any of their schedules. 

Ben Copper was back in the Muggle World having to explain to his Muggle childhood friends of the "boarding school" that he was accepted into on a scholarship. 

The Haywood sisters Penny and Beatrice (and Penny is Ethan's girlfriend) were trying to survive both each other and their parents world.

The Weasleys were all split up. Bill was working on a Gringotts assignment and couldn't come. Charlie was helping his father Arthur with the Ministry in monitoring suspicious Dark Wizard activity after the June attacks that was launched by R and its notorious leader: Iosef Trotsky. 

Andre Egwu was involved with Quidditch.

And Barnaby Lee... well he had a tough relationship with his family.

Ethan was eating his chicken and he noticed that Jacob was devouring it like a wolf that sunk its teeth into a sheep for the first time. Minus the Wool. He tried not to pay attention to it. But Caroline did...

"Jacob, do you have to eat like a wolf at almost every dinner?" Their mother asked like an annoyed.

Jacob was midway through his wing when he looked at his mother. "Come on, Mum. I haven't eaten a homemade meal in 6 years. 5 being trapped in a portrait. Of course I've got to eat like a wolf. I'm hungry." He justified.

"Jacob, you've been home for 2 weeks. I would think that's plenty of time for you to eat to your hearts content." Ethan pointed out.

Jacob shrugged his shoulders. Somebody would have to get that boy a personal chef at this rate. He continued to eat his chicken.

Despite the fact that it annoyed Caroline. There was a part of her that missed this. Jacob was always a big eater. And frankly It was amazing that didn't stop Jacob when he scored with many of the girls at Hogwarts. It was even more amazing of the girl that he chose as his girlfriend: Elizabeth (Lizzie) Maxson, a Muggleborn Girl who came from a very rich and influential family in the Muggle World. 

"So, Jacob. You ever been in contact with anybody in your year since you got back?" Ethan asked.

Jacob sighed. "They've all got their own lives now. The only ones I was really that close with were Duncan and Lizzie. And Duncan's been dead for that long. And Lizzie..." He flinched when said that name. "Lizzie is going to kill me when she finds out that I'm alive and well. Besides, she's probably moved on by now." 

"Don't be so sure." Caroline interrupted. She rather liked that Lizzie girl that Jacob brought home over the summer after his 4th year of Hogwarts. "It's never too late for you, Jacob. Look at your father and I."

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