Chapter 2: Stay out of my way.

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Ethan wasn't sure why Merula wanted to speak with him on the Training Grounds. But whatever the reason, Ethan obliged to it. They could also see several other students training their own wands. But that wasn't what concerned Ethan. He just hope that Corey was doing a good job for covering.

"Okay." Ethan said. "We're at the Training Grounds."

Merula looked around at her surroundings. "So we are. Now you can ask me all your questions in person. Instead of you know, trying to get them from other people." She replied. 

Ethan could feel the awkwardness in the area. "Can you blame me? You don't sound like you're one to be followed." He asked.

"Seems like you've been doing that since we've got back." Merula pointed out.

"Probably." Ethan replied.

"Let me guess. You missed me." Merula guessed.

Ethan shrugged. But then he got to business. "So, why come back to Hogwarts?" He asked.

"Same reason I've come to Hogwarts. To prove I'm the most powerful witch at Hogwarts." Merula answered.

And there went Merula with the whole "I'm the most powerful witch at Hogwarts" thing Merula was all about. Where was Rowan dishing out the straight facts to Merula. Really could've used him for this little thing. But then another thought was recalled about Merula saying that she was over Hogwarts at the end of their 6th year. 

"Funny. That's not what you said to Trotsky when you took the oath." Ethan noted.

"Eh. Plans change." Merula explained.

"Plans change?" Ethan asked in disbelief. "You spent that whole time in Knockturn Alley complaining that you were done with Hogwarts in front of a Psychopath who wants to launch a massive Genocide of people, and you just say: Plans Change?"

"Yeah." Merula answered. She wasn't just going to straight up tell Ethan that she was under special orders from Trotsky to return to Hogwarts.

But then Merula made a pose and she was ready for a duel. "But, enough talk. Let me show you what I've been up to this Summer."

Ethan pulls out his Wand, but he notices that Merula hasn't drawn her wand. And that could only mean one thing. That little Snyde had managed to find a way to go Wandless. "Okay, she's going wandless." He thought. 

It wasn't the first time that Ethan encountered something like this. Jacob learned about wandless magic too. And not only that, but Jacob was a masterful tactician at it. It's how he was able to defend himself so skillfully. And Ethan recalled when Jacob made some moves on Ethan without the use of a wand. Long story short, Ethan was more prepared then normal when dealing with this. 

Merula started with the use of the spell Flipendo on Ethan, which Ethan deflected with ease. 

Ethan then stared down Merula who was stunned. She expected Ethan to fall down by her fast magic. 

"Surprised?" Ethan asked. "You're not the only one who's learned a thing or two over the Summer." 

And the Duel began. Ethan launched a few spells with his wand. It wasn't anything too dangerous. This was a friendly duel, so Ethan could restrain himself pretty well by going to basic magic. Nothing too fancy. He would save that for R. Merula on the other hand moved faster without a wand. She shot spell after spell. One of her Flipendo Spells shot at Ethan's Legs, but Ethan jumped quickly out the way and countered with a Depulso. Merula was just barely able to deflect it. 

Ethan could do this all day, but their fight was interrupted by a voice in the air. "Good morning Students of Hogwarts." Ethan recognized the voice as Trotsky. And Ethan didn't know how the heck that Trotsky was able to get a message like that out. "I hope your ride into Hogwarts wasn't too bumpy for you to handle. If you think that for a moment you are safe. Don't. That was merely an appetizer of the taste that is to come. There is no place that you can go where you will be protected. Your homes will not be safe. Your families will not be safe." Trotsky's voice announced.

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