Chapter 70: The Battle of Nottingham.

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"In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable." -Dwight D. Eisenhower.

"How did you know that Trotsky would be here?" Ben asked a grinning Victor as they both reached Nottingham.

Victor just smiled smugly. "Let's just say that I've got a few connections to the mad people." He answered. 

Ben raised an eyebrow. "And what kind of mad people are these-" 

Victor sighed. "What does it matter, right?" He asked everyone. 

"Of course." Tulip answered beaming at Victor. 

"She's going to be doing this all the time, isn't she?" Victor asked himself. "Maybe I should cut back on the red eyes..." He thought about it. "Nah." 

"Thanks for coming with us, by the way." Ben thanked to the others. 

"Well, you asked us to help you. So we came." Skye replied for everyone. 

"Yeah. We all frankly got a little tired of fighting for Ethan and doing nothing." Diego added. Even though that wasn't true. Andre was sitting right next to them and sitting silently.  

"So what's the plan, Captain?" Skye asked in on the plan as well. 

"Our plan is simple. Find Trotsky and eliminate him." Victor answered. 

"That's it?" Skye asked confused. 

"Something wrong with that, Skye?" Skye asked. 

"No. But shouldn't we at least have a plan for how we take down, Trotsky?" Skye asked. 

"This is our plan." Victor answered impatiently.  

"I think it's great." Ben answered. "It's simple and effective." 

"This is a bad idea." Diego thought. "How do we even know if Victor's source is a good one?" He asked.

"I trust Victor. That should be enough for you." Ben snapped. 

"Well, it only makes sense that when one is fighting an evil cult. One should have a plan." Andre pointed out.

"Just like when Ethan went into Mexico." Skye added.

"Hey! Show some respect!" Victor commanded.

"You'll know when I'm not showing respect, Victor." Skye shot back threateningly.

"We never had this much arguing in the Circle of Khanna." Diego thought.

That was when everyone heard a large sound. "It's him." Ben realized.

Victor nodded at Ben. And using his glowing eyes. "Shall we, Copperhead?" He asked.

"My pleasure." Ben answered. 

Nottingham was a city as old as England itself. But every one who knew about the Middle Ages, knew about the legend of Robin Hood. 

During the Crusades, Richard the Lionheart had led his troops to the Holy Land. Supporters of his brothers, Prince John and the Sherriff of Nottingham. Until Robin Hood, and his Merry Men, a.k.a the Men in Tights took it back for Richard the Lionheart. 

And the legend of Robin Hood remained for the people of Nottingham. So much so that there were many films and books about the legend. Including a new movie that was planning to be released in June starring Kevin Costner even though it would be pretty clear he couldn't pull off an English Accent to save his life. And Alan Rickman as the Sherriff of Nottingham. And a bunch of the Muggleborn Witches and Wizards who went to Hogwarts could swear that that actor looked an awful lot like Snape. 

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