Chapter 50: Hitting the Streets.

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"Every society gets the type of criminal it deserves. What is equally true is that every community gets the kind of law enforcement it insists on."  -Robert Kennedy.

Ethan began sipping his Hot Chocolate in simple amounts. Next to him. Ryder was looking at his Coffee and sipping it. There was a bit of an awkward silence for them. "Something wrong, Ethan?" He asked.

"No." Ethan answered. "It's just... there's always something isn't there? No matter how many times we get some kind of victory and save Hogwarts or a place in The Wizarding World, it always manages to get back in jeopardy again."

Ryder nodded. "I know that feeling. Sometimes I just want the world to stay saved. I just cleaned up this mess. Can we keep it clean for 10 minutes." He joked around.

Jacob also walked up to the two and then sat down. "So, Ryder. What's the plan?"

Ryder looked at the two. "You already got your dose of sugar, Ethan. You want some more?" He asked.

"No. We need to know what we're dealing with." Ethan answered. "Just give it to us straight and true." 

Ryder sighed. "Alright, Boys. Here's where we stand. As of this moment, Red Dust is being distributed all around the British Underworld. We clearly saw that now that Mundungus Fletcher had his share of it." He started.

"And at the rate this is going, we'll have a full on blown epidemic." Jacob realized.

"Exactly." Ryder replied. "Magical Creatures going Berserk all over the world. I can just see Amos Diggory having a field day with this."   

"Agreed. We've already seen what Red Dust did to those Doxies and Tim." Ethan agreed.

"Now just imagine that, but all over the world. And every country doesn't have a Wizard like you two." Ryder said.

"And I assume that we find Slayton and shut his operation down before that happens?" Jacob asked.

"You assume good." Ryder answered. "You know, Jacob. After this whole thing is done, you should become an Auror. They could use a man like you." He suggested.

"Eh, I don't think they'll hire me." Jacob admitted. "I didn't exactly take my O.W.L.s in Hogwarts. I got expelled. Remember?"

"To heck with the O.W.L.s." Ethan commented. "Jacob's more capable of becoming an Auror. I mean, Wandless Magic, powerful Fire Spells, and we both come from a good family with Auror ties." 

"Easy for you to say. You got all perfect Os on your O.W.L.s." Jacob pointed out. 

"You're brother's right, you know. Tests don't determine what your future is going to be or what success you'll have in the future." Ryder explained. "And besides, after this is done. I'm sure that Mad Eye, or myself can pull some strings for you." 

"It's a tempting offer, Ryder. And nothing would make me happier to become an Auror." Jacob smiled putting a hand on Ethan's shoulder. "But right now. I've got an even bigger job. Being there for my little brother."

Ethan sipped some more of his Hot Chocolate. It was good to know that Jacob still had his back no matter what. 

That was when Penny walked down. "Oh, hi guys." She greeted.

"Hey, Penny. Any luck on the Red Dust antidote?" Ethan asked.

"Still working on it. I'm just grabbing a bite before I head back." Penny answered. "Although..."

"You're not sure if the Antidote will work?" Jacob asked.

Penny nodded. "I hope it will. But I'm not sure. And believe me. The last thing I want to do is put a creature on Red Dust, and test it to see if the Antidote."

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