Chapter 33: Trial with a twist.

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"Life on Earth is at the ever-increasing risk of being wiped out by a disaster, such as sudden global nuclear war, a genetically engineered virus or other dangers we have not yet thought of." -Stephen Hawking.

July 1945. 

 The New President, Harry S. Truman. Who had taken the mantle of President of the United States for Franklin D. Roosevelt. A man who had been in the Oval Office since 1933, was now the new President. With the fall of Germany and Italy in Europe, there was one nation that still remained defiant. Japan. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, WW2 became personal for America. Japan had already lost the islands of Iwo Jima and Okinawa. But one island still remained. Japan itself. And it had never been conquered. Even the Mongol Empire could not conquer it. And defiant as ever. Japan would never go down without a fight. General Douglass McArthur was already drawing up battle plans for an invasion of Japan. A full scale attack that would dwarf the invasion of Normandy itself. But it would have to be fast. The Soviets were also starting to take an interest in Japanese holdings. Specifically in Manchuria in Northern China. And also in Korea as well. The U.S. was running out of time.

But unbeknownst to anybody but the President. There was another option. The Manhattan Project. Which had been given billions of dollars of funding and research had successfully developed the Atomic Bomb. And with the Soviets pursuing their own agenda. Not to mention that Churchill was no longer Prime Minister, Truman was now on his own. That was when he made the decision. "It's a go."

August 6, 1945.

A lone B-29 U.S. Bomber called the Enola Gay, named after Colonel Paul Tibbets mother, was flying over the Japanese City of Hiroshima. One plane. One Bomb. An Atomic Bomb nicknamed: Little Boy. And on that day. It dropped. On the city. What happened that day, changed the way that Warfare would be fought. A Large Mushroom Cloud had fallen from  1,500 feet above the city with a force of 15,000 tons of TNT. With 70,000 to 80,000 dead on impact. A flash of light, a large booming sound. And that was scratching the surface.

Nothing to that nature had ever been witnessed before. But for the Wizarding World. Witches and Wizards woke up from the fantasy world they had been living in. For thousands of years. Humans had lived always wondering if Magic lived among them. But the Wizarding World was always a step ahead of the curve. And no matter how violent humanity could get. There was nothing they could do to stop magic from existing. Until the Nuke. Humanity had been looking for a weapon to destroy their enemies for good. Now... they finally had a weapon. The time for staying in the dark had come to an end. It was either adapt or die. And many Wizarding Nations suddenly realized they had to embrace diplomacy with the Human Governments. Or fear getting devastated by the Bombs. 

Back to the Present.

Ryder was in his office reading over some reports from Aurors about any sign of movements from Dark Wizards. The usual observational reports. There was still no sign of Trotsky. That was when Jacob walked in.

"Is he ready?" Ryder asked referring to the Assassin prepared for Trial.

"Yeah. Assuming he'll cooperate." Jacob answered. "I don't like it. Why are we even having a trial for the guy? You know he attacked Ethan."

"All the more reason we need to keep him in Azkaban." Ryder explained. "You know, there's a part of me that wishes Slayton was the one on trial. There's enough to give him a Dementor's Kiss for all the stuff he's done. I swear, that nutjob has always been on the warpath ever since I knew him at Illvermorny." 

Jacob raised an eyebrow. "You knew Slayton, personally?" He asked.

"He was my Dormmate." Ryder answered looking back at his old life. "Well, one of them anyway. We met back when we were first years at the sorting ceremony." He began. "Slayton and I got the same house of Wampus. Nobody really knew who he was. Came from a Muggle Born Family. When the Professors asked about his family. All Slayton said was that he had a mother, who was as shallow as water. When they asked about his Dad. All he did was laugh."

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