Chapter 53: Let it Burn.

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"A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out." -Walter Winchell.

"She's going to be okay. She's going to be okay." Jae was thinking to himself. Despite the fact that he was petrified. "I mean, what's the worst that Slayton could do?" 

"Jae. It's Slayton." Talbott reminded. "Finite Incantantem." He released Jae from his petrified state.

"You can use Wandless Magic?" Jae asked.

"I learned when Ethan, Lizzie, Jacob, and Ben were in Japan." Talbot answered. "But more importantly. Slayton's the guy who kidnapped Penny Haywood. And now he's got Chiara."

"She's going to be in trouble, I just know it!" Jae exclaimed.

"What was your first clue? The fact that he's got his hands on Chiara? Or that he took all of our wands?" Talbott asked.

"Or all the Silver Bullets that Slayton has with him right now?" Madam Strout asked.

"Well... I'm sure that Ethan will come any minute now." Jae said with some hopeful attitude with himself. 

"And how is Ethan going to do that? Is he just going to go in, wands blazing and just smack all these Gangsters into next Tuesday-"

Right on Cue. Ethan went bursting through the doors, wand blazing. And with some help from Hagrid, they smacked the Gangsters into next Tuesday.

"Oh, crap! Bauer! Take him down!" The Gangsters all tried to shoot their wands at Ethan. But Ethan had managed to make a Protego shield around himself. And then proceeded to use said shield to bash one of the Gangsters.  

Ethan couldn't see Slayton though. Which may have either been good or bad. But Ethan wasn't sure which one was which. Ethan would have some things involved when it came to Slayton. "Is everyone okay?" He asked. 

"Took you long enough, this time." Jae commented rubbing his nose.

"Seriously?" Ethan asked annoyed. 

"Not really. We knew you'd get here, eventually." Jae answered. 

As for Hagrid, he roared over to the remaining. "Try and threaten me friends, eh?!" He roared. 

"Hagrid! Wait!" Ethan yelled.

Hagrid looked confused. "What, why?"

Ethan grabbed the Gangster. "Where's Slayton?" He interrogated. 

The Gangster didn't say anything. "I said. Where's your Boss?!" Ethan roared louder.

"He's taken the girl... down to the Alchemy Room." The Gangster answered.

"The Alchemy Room?" Ethan asked. "Why would he go there? And why would he take Chiara?" 

"The Alchemy Room is where all the Potions are. He's most likely going to cripple St. Mungo's entire supply of Potions." Strout answered.

"That's not good." Ethan admitted. And it really wasn't. If Slayton crippled the Potions Room. It would mean that there would almost be no virtual supplies for the St. Mungo's Hospital. And that means that no Wizard and Witch would be able to treat their wounds or illnesses. 

The Gangster had managed to get out of Hagrid's grip. "You won't win!" He shot the killing curse at himself.

Just then, Augusta and Neville had entered the room with the hostages. "Oh, is it done already?" Augusta asked.

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