Chapter 68: Broken Circle.

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"A House Divided against itself cannot stand." -Abraham Lincoln.

Ethan woke up the next morning still in the warm cave with an arm around him. The same arm belonging to his girlfriend who was sleeping peacefully next to him. "Well... I'd say that was a success last night." He commented to himself. 

"Hello, you." Penny greeted with a smile as she woke up to see Ethan. 

"Morning, Penny." Ethan greeted back. "Um... I think it's morning." He told her. 

"So it is." Penny replied. "We should probably get back to the Castle before they think to look for us." She suggested. 

"Probably." Ethan agreed. He looked at Sickleworth who was enjoying his time in the water. "I'll... have to remember this place for later." He thought to himself.

Later that morning, Ethan and Penny were really careful about sneaking back into the Castle. And luckily they knew how to get back without Filch noticing. As if that Squib despite knowing his way around the castle, Ethan just knew it better. "Okay... all clear." Ethan whispered to Penny. 

"Hard to believe that Filch wouldn't come looking for us." Penny whispered back. "See you later?" She asked.

Ethan nodded. He let Penny get back to her Common Room. And he went back up to his Dormitory. And he could see the Fat Lady standing in her portrait.  

"Ah, Ethan? Where did you go last night? I don't remember seeing you return to your Dorm." The Fat Lady asked. 

"Nothing in particular. Just spending some alone time with the Girl." Ethan answered. 

The Fat Lady laughed. "Just like your brother and Miss. Maxson when they were students here." 

"Caput Draconis." Ethan said. 

The Fat Lady let him in. And Ethan walked through. 

He could see Charlie sitting on the couch and listening to Jae and Ben speaking about something. 

"What's up with these two?" Ethan asked Charlie. 

"E. Missed you at dinner." Charlie told him. 

"Sorry. Had something to attend to." Ethan apologized. 

"Eh, you didn't miss much." Charlie admitted. "Just..." 

"Well, what happened to you?" Percy interrupted walking down the stairs. 

"What's it to you, Percy?" Ethan asked. 

"You didn't return to your dormitory last night." Percy noted. "So it stands to reason that you would be breaking School Rules. And you call yourself a Head Boy." He scoffed. 

Ethan rolled his eyes. "Percy, I don't have time for this, do you?" He asked.

"I have time for everything around here. I'm-" Percy started to say. 

"Still the second youngest Weasley in this building." Charlie interrupted while glaring at Percy.

Percy sighed. "You're very lucky that Charlie is your friend. But rest assured that no one will be doing such levels of provocaty when I become Prefect and on my way to Head Boy." He declared.

"You know they will." Charlie commented. 

Percy grunted. He then stormed off. 

Charlie sighed. "Sorry about that. Percy's been a little on edge."

"On what?" Ethan asked. 

"Bill's M.I.A. The war is still going on in Iraq, but there's been no word for him." Charlie answered. 

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