Chapter 36:Just Plain Cruel.

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"There are three things in the world that deserve no mercy, hypocrisy, fraud, and tyranny." -Frederick William Robertson.

It appeared that Azkaban was acting incredibly busy in recent weeks. After the death of Ryo. And the Dementors allying with Trotsky. But for Slayton. He needed some fresh ideas for his Red Dust. He firmly grasped a Niffler in one of his hands. 

The Niffler was trembling at the sight of Azkaban. "Aw. Is the Little Niffler scared of a few little things in Black Cloaks?" Slayton asked in a mocking tone.

The Niffler made its sound which Slayton took as a yes. "Good. Because the Dementors are angry people. Not very nice. Or touchy. But they'll take your soul for good measure." Slayton then proceeded to take out a little shiny gold coin. "Want a little coin?" He asked as he threw it around the rocks. "Go get it."

The Niffler tried to jump out and get it. But Slayton held it back by a chain surrounding the Nifflers neck. Starting to choke out the Niffler. "Uh. Uh. Uh. You don't want to choke out do you, you little meat brick?" Slayton asked.

The Niffler whimpered out. And Slayton pulled the Niffler back to his hand. "Suck it up, Meat Brick! After we're done here today. Hopefully. I'll have what I need to complete the perfect batch of Red Dust." Slayton said. "Although. Now that I think about it. Maybe Hair Gel was a stupid ingredient."

Slayton opened the main door of Azkaban. And was greeted by some of the Dementors. "Honey! I'm home!" Slayton yelled.

One of the Dementors approached Slayton. "What do you want, Satan's Fist?" The Dementor asked in a voice that sounded like a vulture screech on rusty nails.

"Oh, is that how you say hello? No. Hi Slayton, How's Tricks?" Slayton asked. The Dementor just floated there not saying a word.

"Okay. Here's the thing. See. I've been experimenting with my Red Dust and I'm trying not just to make them violent beyond composure. But now, I want the next phase. Obedience. That last batch with Stupid Hair Gel wasn't exactly a keeper. So now I'm going to try a new product. Say... human souls." Slayton explained. "And what better place to get Souls than Azkaban Prison?! That's been sucking Souls since whenever you guys were around. Or that guy Ekrizdis!" He shouted like an advertisement on the T.V.

"Ekrizdis wasn't our creator. He just kept us company in dissecting souls from nearby Muggles." The Dementor corrected. 

"Oh yeah. You guys sold your soul to that Erathor Dragon. And if I remember correctly, Ekrizdis did the same." Slayton remembered. "So, you guys got some souls for me. Or do you have to go kissy kissy?" He asked.

"No. But you can choose any one of the many Witches and Wizards we have." The Dementor suggested. 

"Hand me a Menu. I want some selections for the evening." Slayton commanded. 

The Dementor instead of a menu, handed Slayton a list of known Prisoners. "Let's see here." Slayton looked at the list and walked down the halls. All the while a bunch of Azkaban Prisoners were shouting.

"Oh clam up!" Slayton yelled taking out his wand. He then pushed all prisoners into their walls. "Can't hear myself think."

"Well, you certainly have a way of crowd control." A voice from one of the cells called.

Slayton turned to see who said that. And he saw a Prisoner in raggedy prison clothes and messy black hair. "Well hello there." He greeted. 

"You the new warden?" The Prisoner asked.

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