Chapter 46: One Queen Sized Doxy, Extra Crispy.

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"Enthusiasm is the best protection in any situation. Wholeheartedness is contagious. Give yourself, if you wish to get others." -David Seabury. 

"So... if you're a vampire, I suppose Sunlight is out of the question." Jacob was saying to Victor as they were waiting by Peeves room for Ethan and Chiara.

"It's not recommended. Fortunately Hogwarts has protective charms around the campus which shield me from the Sun's harmful rays. Otherwise, I'd have to go out in a thick black cloak all of the time." Victor explained. 

"Huh." Jacob thought. That was when he saw Ethan and Chiara.

"Hey, Jacob." Ethan said.

"E." Jacob greeted. "Chiara. I think we last met in the Hospital Wing. Though, I was carrying my little brother in my arms." 

"How could I forget that?" Chiara sarcastically asked. She then noticed Victor and her expression turned in different. "You brought him?" She asked.

"Did you say blood?" Victor asked. Everyone looked at him. "I'm just kidding. Lighten up."

"He brought himself." Jacob answered.

"Figures he would." Chiara muttered. "Surprise, surprise." 

"Well quick lollygagging all of you and let's get to work." Victor opened the door. "Let's get this done and destroy the Doxy infestation." He charged ahead.

"Yeah... you do that." Chiara thought to herself with a snort.

Ethan could tell that Chiara was probably one of the very few girls in Hogwarts who couldn't stand Victor. 

"Hm. Nice to know that Peeves keeps his room tidy and nice." Jacob commented about the mess.

"This is tidy and nice?" Chiara asked.

"It is by Peeves' standards." Jacob answered.

"No wonder why the Doxy love a room like Peeves." Ethan thought. "You think we'll find the Doxy Queen in here?" 

"That would be my guess." Jacob answered.  

"If people saw some Doxy in here. Then maybe so will the Queen." Chiara added. "You know, I'm suddenly grateful for how neat Penny is. She always keeps our dorm clean." She commented. "We certainly felt her missing presence when she was taken."

Ethan couldn't deny that Penny kept her dorm clean. He even remembered how Penny brought it up on one of their dates. 

1 Year Ago.

Ethan and Penny were walking on the path from Hogsmeade and holding hands. It was starting to get dark out. And they had to get back to avoid detention by walking into Filch. And sharing a little joke about something. 

"Oh my god!" Penny laughed.

"I know. I swear, that story gets better and better with age." Ethan added. They both laughed again.

"Alright. I better head back to my common room." Penny said. "It's probably time to get out the cleaning supplies again."

"Cleaning supplies?" Ethan asked.

"Just some bottles of Cleaning Solutions." Penny clarified. "Hey. Somebody's gotta keep our Dorm Room in check every time Tonks turns it into a pigsty." 

"So, it's not just a crazy obsession with cleaning?" Ethan asked.

"No. I'm not that crazy." Penny assured. "Clearly you have not seen our Dorm when Tonks is in it."

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