Chapter 82: Blood and Guts.

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"The time to take counsel of your fears is before you make an important battle decision. That's the time to listen to every fear you can imagine! When you have collected all the facts and fears and made your decision, turn off all your fears and go ahead!" -George S. Patton.

Chaos had overtaken the Ministry of Magic. What were once empty halls full of crowded people had transformed into a dreaded one. Spells were being cast left and right, as Armored and Deadly Dark Wizards were fighting off against Aurors who were trying to hold their lines. The Battle of the Ministry had begun!

That was when the Circle of Khanna jumped through and into the entrance of the Ministry. Ethan took a look at the damage so far. And it had looked bad. 

"Oh, Merlin's Beard." Penny commented at the destruction. "The whole Ministry looks wrecked." 

"It was always wrecked. The Attack is just showing its true colors." Tulip said. 

"Well, R is going to be wrecked after we take them down." Lizzie pointed out. 

That was when 4 Death Eaters approached the entrance wearing their Death Eater Masks. 

"Death Eaters!" Charlie shouted. 

The Death Eaters all shot spells at the Circle. "Protego!" Jacob created a large shield around the Circle. 

Ethan creeped around and shot a few Fire Spells at the Death Eaters taking them down. 

"That wasn't so tough." Andre said. 

"That was just the first wave." Rath noted. "And it wasn't even a wave." 

"She's right." Ethan agreed. "Stay safe and fight smart." And they all advanced. 

"They're not going to show us any mercy." Orion informed to everyone. 

"Then neither are we." Lizzie replied, she shot a few Ice Spells at some more Death Eaters that were trying to advance at them. And that was when a large Oni appeared as well. 

"Not these guys again." Ben groaned. He pointed his wand. "Expelliamus!" He yelled disarming the Oni's club. Then proceeded to shoot it down. 

The remaining Death Eaters launched more spells at the Circle. 

"Diego?" Ethan asked. Diego threw his wand into the earth making an Earthquake and crushing down the Death Eaters.

After a moment of silence, Ethan could hear the sounds of different screaming and clashing going echoing through the halls along with all the flames of war. It was a sound that Ethan wished he could unhear. 

"Fighting's going on everywhere throughout the Ministry." Jacob noted. 

"We gotta find Ryder." Ethan suggested. "If we can link up with him. It might give us the edge we need to defeat R." 

"We also have to get as many people out of here as we can." Liz suggested. "I don't know about you, but I think they should be given a chance to escape this chaos." 

"That was implied." Ethan said. 

"Wotcher, guys!" Tonks walked over to Munch's Ruined Desk. The cowering face of Eric Munch appeared from under the rubble. 

"Nymphadora Tonks?" Munch asked. 

"Don't call me, Nymphadora." Tonks told him. 

"It is you. Oh, thank goodness you've come." Munch breathed a sigh of relief. "It's a war zone in here!" 

"Obviously." Jae thought. 

Ethan walked over. "Munch. What the hell happened here?" He asked.

"Trotsky's launched simultaneous attacks across the Ministry. The Aurors are trying to gain control of the situation. But this attack is unlike any other. It was well coordinated." Munch reported. "I didn't even have time to react. But suddenly it was as if the Floo Networks had stopped working properly and just spilled out a bunch of Death Eaters and other creatures. Along with Wizards all from around the World. I was lucky to be hiding under my desk."

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