Chapter 35: Rising Sun.

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"I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning." -J. B. Priestley

Ethan headed back to the Hogwarts Training Grounds. Trying to take his mind off of what happened at the Trial was really harder than Ethan had expected. The same could be said for Jacob. That's why he chose to walk with his brother. Both figured the fresh air would do them some good.

"So the Training Grounds?" Jacob asked.

"It's where I go to hit some Bludgers. Whenever I get in a certain mood." Ethan answered.

"Like that article about you thanks to the Toad Wart." Jacob commented.

"Yeah." Ethan replied. That was when Ethan could hear smacking of some Bludgers. "Sounds like Rath is hitting the Bludgers." He thought.

"Sounds like it." Jacob said.

And true enough, Rath was hitting some Bludgers. But not at the Dummies. She was hitting at some Bludgers at a Quidditch Player on the Gryffindor Team. Andre Egwu was also there in attendance. Along with Cedric Diggory.

"Come on, Wood! You gotta make sure the Bludgers don't get to your head!" Rath snapped. 

The Quidditch Player was trying to block most of the shots that Rath was shooting.

"Hey Rath!" Ethan greeted.

Rath put her bat down. "Oh, Hey Bauer." She then looked at Jacob. "Older Bauer."

"Don't mind us. We're just giving some pointers to Oliver Wood." Andre explained.

"Oliver Wood?" Ethan asked. He then noticed the short brown haired Gryffindor Keeper and turned to him. "Oh, yeah. You're the Back Up Keeper for the Quidditch Team." He remembered.

"Starter now." Wood corrected. "Orion said it was time for me to get into the game."

"Orion said that?" Ethan asked.

"I think he did. He was very vague about his expressions." Wood answered.

Ethan nodded. That sounded like Orion to him. "Well, good for you, Wood." He commented.

"Of course you'd know that if you were part of the Quidditch Team still." Wood said.

Ethan sighed. He used to be part of the Quidditch Team. Until 6th year. "It's just not in the cards for me anymore." 

"Shame. You were really good, especially at the Chaser mount. I'd say you even gave Rath a run for her money." Andre chimed in.

"Thanks for that memory." Rath grumbled. 

Ethan remembered it well. It was during their 3rd year. Although, just a rookie. Ethan was an already skilled Chaser and won the Quidditch Cup for Gryffindor. The same in Ethan's 4th year as a Beater. His skill as a Keeper in his 5th year. And last year, he was a Seeker for the team. Well for half the year. Charlie took over as seeker and won the Cup for Quidditch.

Jacob patted Ethan on the back. "Hey, E. You won 4 Quidditch Cups in a row. If that's not an accomplishment. I don't know what is." He assured.

"Why? Weren't you on your Quidditch Team when you attended Hogwarts, Jacob?" Cedric asked.

"Uh. No." Jacob answered. "Kind of busy with the Cursed Vaults." 

"Anyway. Why are you training, Wood? Aren't you on Ravenclaw?" Ethan asked.

"Yeah, but it's my last year in Hogwarts. I figure if I can't win the Quidditch Cup. I can at least continue to give my mentorship to the next generation of Quidditch Players." Rath answered. "So what are you up to? Or are you collecting air on the whole Wizengamot Trial?" She asked.

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