Chapter 55: A Hogwarts Christmas Story. Part 1.

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"Christmas is the spirit of giving without a thought of getting. It is happiness because we see joy in people. It is forgetting self and finding time for others. It is discarding the meaningless and stressing the true values." -Thomas S. Monson.

Twas the Day before Christmas and all throughout Hogwarts. People were wrapping up the first half of the Hogwarts year. And to say that a lot had happened would be a great understatement. To begin, was the attack on the Hogwarts Express, and Trotsky's threat of consequences. Followed by the attack of a Wampus Cat on Red Dust in Hogsmeade. And just when it didn't seem like it couldn't get worse, Penny Haywood was captured, but was rescued by Ethan and Jacob Bauer, Tulip Karasu, Barnaby Lee, Diego Caplain, and Erika Rath. Then came the journey to Japan. And finally... the destruction of St. Mungo's. Talk about an interesting first half to the year.  

But now... the glorious time had come again. Christmas Time. The time of year of Snow falling on the ground with frost covering the Quidditch Pitch. And making Hagrid go out and fetch a Christmas Tree for the Great Hall. With the decorations all seeming in glow. And students were heading out for the doors eager to see their families for Christmas. Which at the rate that things were going in the War, might be the last time. 

Just some Hogwarts Students were staying for the Holidays. Ethan was staying. Jacob and Lizzie would be coming up to Hogwarts to spend Christmas with Ethan. Ben would be going home. As he tended to do all years of Hogwarts. As well as the members of the Circle of Khanna would be staying as well.

That evening in the Great Hall saw many different students of different years leaving for the Holidays. And Ghosts were out in the halls singing Carols.  

Tonks walked into some. "Sorry." She said.

"No harm done." The Ghosts assured. 

Tonks walked up to where Penny was looking at all the decorations being put on the tree. "Hey, Penny." She greeted.

"Hey, Tonks." Penny greeted back with a smile.

"You seem to be in a good mood." Tonks noted.

"I am." Penny replied with a smile. "It's just that time of year again. And I'm not in a cage or dead."

"And you and Ethan..." Tonks added. 

"Yeah..." Penny said dreamily. 

"So... how was Ethan doing that night?" Tonks asked.

"Good." Penny answered.

"I bet." Tonks smirked.

Penny looked embarrassed. "What's that suppose to mean?" She asked.

Tonks shrugged. "Nothing. So... did you and Ethan-?"

"No comment." Penny quickly shut her down.

"Penny, it's fine." Tonks assured. "Come on. We're best friends, aren't we?" 

Penny nodded. "The Best. But you're not getting that answer." 

"Don't need to. Already did." Tonks replied.

"Bishop to E5." Ben was saying as he was playing Wizards Chess with Charlie. Fred, George, Barnaby, Ethan, and Rath were watching the game. 

"Bad move, Ben." Ethan warned watching the Game.

"Get him, Charlie." Fred said.

Charlie smiled. "Queen to E5." He watched as the little Queen figurine got off of her chair and destroyed Ben's Bishop.

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