Chapter 44: Same School. Different Problems.

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"The first step in solving a problem is to recognize that it does exist." -Zig Ziglar.

The Bauer Brothers, Lizzie, and Ben had landed back in the Ministry of Magic by way of the Portkey. "I don't think I'm going to be able to adapt to this whole Time Zone thing." Ben commented.

"Yeah..." Ethan agreed. He got back up on his feet. "Your head feeling okay?" He asked Ben.

"Surprisingly, the Portkey didn't give me a headache." Ben answered rubbing his head.

"Come on. Let's go tell Ryder what's what." Ethan suggested. And all four left.  

As they were walking, Ethan remembered the crystal ball he had received from Akira. "This shows me happiness?" He asked himself. He would have to admire later. 

"Ethan?" Jacob asked.

"Nothing. I'm fine." Ethan assured. "Let's just talk to Ryder." He wanted to get the job done as soon as possible.

Ryder and Mad Eye were sitting in the Office talking about something, when the four walked through the door. And Caroline was there. 

"Mum?" Ethan and Jacob asked.

"Ethan! Jacob!" Caroline yelled hugging her boys.

"What are you doing here?" Jacob asked. "Not that there's a problem with that." He quickly added.

But that was when Caroline noticed Jacob's hand. "Jacob, why is your hand metal?" She asked.

Jacob grunted. "My hand got chopped off." He answered.

Caroline looked in horror. "How did that happen?" 

"Fight with Trotsky." Ethan answered.

"But at least I have a metal hand now." Jacob added trying to put things on a positive note. "It's really more a gauntlet that I can still use with magic."

"I liked that hand, Jacob." Caroline commented.

"I'm fine, Mum. I spent 5 years in a portrait." Jacob pointed out. "And better that I get hurt this time rather than Ethan." 

"Better that anything happen to neither of you." Caroline corrected. But she could also see that Ethan was focused on something else. "Ethan?" 

"We saw a dystopian future if we fail." Lizzie explained. "Ethan didn't exactly take it well."

"What kind of future?" Ryder asked.

"Um..." Ethan started to say. That was when he told them about the future they saw. The one of Voldemort returning in a palace. Trotsky sitting as Voldemort's right hand, and his children. Merula and Harry Potter as his enforcers. It was enough to make Ryder and Mad Eye shiver on the inside. 

"Okay... that's a problem." Ryder admitted.

"A big problem." Mad Eye added.

"Ethan?" Caroline asked.

"Mum... I don't want that future to happen." Ethan said.

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