Chapter 85: Goodbye Innocence.

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"To be prepared for war is one of the most effective means of preserving peace." -George Washington.

Through the Radio Room of the Ministry of Magic, Rita Skeeter was trying to get a message across to the British Wizarding World. "This is Rita Skeeter with an emergency broadcast to all Witches and Wizards. The Ministry... of Magic has fallen. Stay away from the Ministry! HIDE! RUN! FLEE WITH YOU LIVES! And if possible also read my latest article that I plan to write about-"

Before Skeeter could finish her broadcast, she heard a noise outside. "Hey! Who's In there?!" The noise shouted out.

Skeeter looked at the Radio. "HELP US BAUER! YOU'RE OUR ONLY HOPE!" She yelled. And then turned into a Beetle when the doors burst open. Fenrir Greyback burst the door open and sniffed around. That was when he looked at the Beetle and grabbed it. He smelled something off about the beetle. Skeeter had to turn back into a human to avoid getting squished.

Greyback laughed. "Sending a message to your pals huh? Well say goodbye." He shoved Skeeter over to 2 other Death Eaters. "Take her over to the boss!" 

By the next day, all students and staff were gathered at the Great Hall. Black Curtains all draped the hall. And overhead Banners of simple black were over head. All to pay their respects to Ben Copper. Much as they had the previous year for Rowan Khanna. All lessons were canceled for that day so that everyone could pay their respects. The Body of Ben Copper lay at the center of the hall. It was guarded by any remaining Aurors. 

Ethan looked at the body while also holding Penny's hand. Jacob was next to Ethan as well. The Entire Weasley Family was also gathered in the Great Hall. As well as Caroline and Kassandra who were standing next to Jacob. 

A bunch of the other students were crying as well. 

Cedric stood next to his Father, and Chiara and Jae. "I suppose that's another empty Dorm Bed we'll have." Jae said as his voice was clearly in pain. 

"I'm going to miss him too." Chiara told Jae while holding his hand. 

"Guys?" Cedric asked. They all looked at Cedric. "No more funerals." He said. "I don't think we can afford another one." 

Amos held Cedric's hand. "You're right, son. No more funerals." He agreed.

And everyone thought that this couldn't be real. Ben Copper was supposed to graduate Hogwarts in a month. He was supposed to have a career in the Ministry. To come so close, and to come up so short. Now he was gone. Gone forever.

Chiara saw Tulip crying over in the corner. "Hey? You okay?" She asked. 

Tulip shook her head. "No. Ben is dead, and I haven't even heard from my parents. And I don't know if they're safe or not." She answered.

Dumbledore had gone up in front of the Great Hall. The other Professors were gathered. "Today... We acknowledge... a very terrible loss." Dumbledore began trying to get the words out himself. "Ben Copper, member of the Circle of Khanna, Gryffindor, Brave and truthful, always ready to stand against death, rushing to his friends side without a single thought..." Dumbledore then breathed in. "Was brutally murdered in cold blood by the Devil known as Derek Slayton. As Ben rushed to save the lives of young Ronald and Ginny Weasley. We will not waste anymore words on Slayton as he was delivered proper justice." He looked at Ethan as he said that and giving him a nod. 

"But we do not come here to express anger and hatred. Instead to honor and remember Ben Copper and what he has given to Hogwarts. A boy who was scared of everything when he first came here to Hogwarts. But through the work of some very extraordinary students, Ben was able to find his courage where it was hidden and why he was sorted into Gryffindor. Sure he made many mistakes, as do we all. But he died so that others could live. You have earned your rest, Ben. May you be with Rowan now." Dumbledore took out his wand. "May this light guide you to him. And know that one day, we will join you." Dumbledore finished. And everyone raised their wands lighting a small light at the end of it. A light in the darkest of times.

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