Chapter 3: Elementary my Dear Ethan.

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Investigation spot number 1 on the list of places to go. That ended up being Muggle Studies, which was their next class for the day. The Muggle Studies Room was arguably the strangest classroom in Hogwarts. And after seeing places like Divinations class, that was really saying something. The Muggle Studies room looked like the attic of a Muggle Home. Or rather the attic that you try to turn into a Man Cave, but then your wife decides she needs to make space in the house. So she puts all the stuff you never pay attention to in the attic or the basement. And you put so much stuff in there, that ends up being a clutter area itself, and then you spend all Spring saying how you're going to clean it, and then you get distracted by other stuff that you keep putting it off until you forget that you were suppose to clean it. 

Anyway, Ethan found himself sitting next to Corey in some of those folding chairs that the Muggles use.

"Muggle Studies is the perfect place to keep an eye on Merula, Dr. Watson." Corey whispered.

"Are we back to this again?" Ethan asked. "I'm not Watson." He grumbles under his breath. "This better work."

"You're remembering to keep your voice down right?" Corey asked.

"Yes." Ethan answered like it was that obvious. "Now the class is about to begin." 

And a man that Ethan didn't recognize came into the room. He looked like one of those guys you see handing out tickets like an usher at a theater. The kind you think, hey that guy seems like he's got a lot of talent but he works a dead end job trying to earn his wages to pay through his college debt.

"Welcome Class! I am Professor Arif Sikander." The man introduced. 

"What happened to Professor Quirrell?" Barnaby asked. 

"Wow Barnaby, you actually used a full sentence. Call me impressed." Merula interrupted.

Barnaby just rolled his eyes at Merula. He was used to this though.

"Professor Quirrell is enjoying his European Tour. I didn't ask for details." Sikander answered. "Now, in this class we will delve into the 'awesome' technology and culture of our non magical friends. I hope that you all find this hip and funky fresh." He announced.

"Awesome?" Merula asked. "What have Muggles done that's so awe inspiring?" 

"Why everything, dude." Sikander answered in what was probably the cringiest way possible. "We have Muggles to thank for radios, linguistic innovations, and most importantly indoor plumbing." 

"He's got a point about the Indoor Plumbing." Corey whispered to Ethan.

Ethan shrugged. "Yeah, that's true."

"Now today, we will be looking at all the radical Muggle inventions that we use in the Muggle World!" Sikander declared.

Now Ethan wasn't going to feel like his mind was going to shrivel up from the terrible slang that Sikander was making. But Ben was. He just had his face slammed into the ground. "Oh please stop with the slang." He pleaded.

"My summer was far more interesting than this subject." Merula said out loud.

"I think anyone's summer was far more interesting than this subject." Jae put in.

"What about you, Ethan? What do you think about the Muggle World?" Corey asked.

"I know the Muggle World. The Wizarding World has some cool things. But the Muggle World gives us stuff like Star Wars, those Marvel and DC Comics, some of those Arcades I keep hearing about, and of course Rock Music." Ethan answered. Plus Ethan's Mother was Muggleborn so she knew a lot about the Muggle World as well.

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