Chapter 81: United we Stand. Divided we Fall.

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"In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons." -Herodotus.

"Not since the rise of You Know Who, has the Ministry of Magic and the Wizarding World faced a dark threat." Fudge began while standing in front of the Ministry Magic reporters while in his Lime Green Suit and Hat. "I am of course speaking of Iosef Trotsky and his forces, the Remnant. He who has threatened our Ministry of Magic. But fear not, your Ministry of Magic remains strong in these dark times. We must stand united. Or we will fall to ruin. Trotsky wants a war? We'll give him one." The Cameras all flashed on Fudge.  

Fudge then turned to Ryder. "Agent Ryder?" 

Ryder took the stage. "Trotsky is going to be stopped and we are going to stop him. But unlike a certain Cat Loving Woman with the Face of a Toad and Odd Pink clothing with a Hem Hem interruption who's name I will not mention because unlike her, I have dignity. This will be effective." He began while he was looking at Umbridge the whole time who just looked steaming.  "To do that, as the Minister said. Remain Calm, and stand strong." He then got off the stage. "And we are going to show Trotsky that he made a fatal mistake of not staying in hiding." He declared to the response of clapping around the Ministry. 

Trotsky got off the stage and to Fudge and Mad Eye. "I hate giving speeches." He said. 

"It wasn't that bad." Mad Eye told him. 

"So, Ryder? Do we have a plan?" Fudge asked. 

"That we do." Ryder answered. "First, Knockturn Alley is a Nesting Grounds for Dark Wizards. Shut it down." He ordered. 

"On it." Mad Eye replied. 

"We'll also need to reinforce Hogwarts if Trotsky goes for that. Position more Aurors around." Ryder continued. "We'll also have to ask the other Ministries for reinforcements if they can send them." 

"We've sent Owls out already to the other Ministries. But it will be awhile before they can respond." Mad Eye informed. 

"Let me know when they do." Ryder requested. War was coming. And it was going to come fast.

Ethan returned to Hogwarts after the Easter Holidays. He had a lot to think about after that night he heard Trotsky's threat. "Direct threats to me now. Just another day in paradise." He thought as he walked through the Hallways and towards the Great Hall to get some breakfast.

Ethan was simply eating his eggs and bacon when he saw Ben coming towards him. "Hey Ethan." He greeted. 

"Hey, Ben." Ethan replied. "Nice Easter Holiday?" He asked. 

"As much as I could make it." Ben answered. "I heard that Radio Broadcast that Trotsky made. Final Warning and all that." 

"Oh, you heard that too, huh?" Ethan asked. 

"Everyone in the Wizarding World heard it." Ben answered. "Doesn't surprise me though. Given with what's been happening. With all the Dark Creatures and Dark Witches and Wizards mobilizing for war." 

"Neither me." Ethan replied. 

"Hi, Ethan." Penny greeted sitting next to him.

"Hey, Penny." Ethan greeted.

"Alright if I sit with you?" Penny asked. 

Ethan smiled and nodded. "Of course."

"Oh, and I hope you don't mind if Bea sits?" Penny asked.

"Why would that be a problem?" Ethan asked.

Beatrice started to walk over. "Well, Penny wanted us to get good seats before the others sat down." She explained. 

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