Call of the Fairy Pt. 5- Birth Right

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Kori's POV

I managed to get to the base camp like I promised Wendy. I taken a big chunk of wood and started carving it into a crude shield that I could get away with until I could get my mother's round shield like she told me to do the night before shit hit the fan with the Grimorie Heart attack. We managed to find Lisanna and Mira, I tried to keep to myself especially after the episode when I was controlled by my good for nothing father. "So what happens now?" I heard Natsu ask and I look up at him from my shield. "Isn't it obvious, now we need to find yer guildmates and then protect the tree with our lives." I answered gaining the attention of everyone. "B-but how, we don't even know where they all went." I heard Wendy say and I sigh and examining my shield and I blew the sawdust off the shield and laced a make shift strap for my forearm and another for easy carrying so I can carry it on my back. "Well we're Dragon Slayers we have these things called noses, we'll sniff 'em out obviously." I said a little annoyed, as I put my kunai back in its sheathe and put my shield on my back.

Natsu's POV

I was about to say something to Kori for being irritated for no reason until Lasanna spoke up. "That's a good idea Kori, we can use you guys' enhanced sense of smell to find the rest of the guild!" She said and I sigh. "Yeah, but we have another problem." I said looking at gramps and everyone looked down except for Kori who just looked out toward the horizon, honestly I don't know what Wendy sees in him that she loves he just seems to be a jerk. "Who should we find first?" I asked looking from Gramps to everyone else. "I think we should find Erza and Lucy, because then ya will have one of the strongest teams in Fairy Tail as our ace up our sleeves." Kori said and I look at him he was looking at me with his scowl, he was angry about something. "Yeah and if we manage to find Guildarts we'll be sitting pretty, because he's pretty strong as well." Mira said and Kori nodded in agreement. "Wait I had just beat Guildarts awhile ago maybe he might be there still!" I pipped up. "Well that made our job a lot easier then, right Kori?" Snowball asked Kiro and he just nodded.

Snowball's POV

When Kori nodded I knew something was up and I'm sure everyone else knew it too, but I should focus on the task at hand, besides he won't tell me when other people are around. He was always secretive ever since the abuse from his father and the violence of Irwindale worsened. "Come on we're wastin' time." Kori said and the group nodded as he pulled out his sword from his scabbard and the crude shield from his back as we begin to walk towards where guildarts were.

[Time skip brought to you by chibi natsu carrying Chibi Kori]

Kori's POV

We had just got to Guildarts and Erza and thats when we heard something crack and then we all look in terror as we see the Tenrou Tree falling and thats when I saw everyone fall around me and thats when I heard the screams of agony from the Fairy Tail members as if they were all around me, my eyes dilated and all I could hear was ringing, the screams and my heartbeat, I then heard my mother and then Mavis scream, I felt something at that moment... I don't know what it was like this cold sensation was I angry? No... it was something else then I felt something roll down my cheek and I go to feel what it was, it was wet and it came from my eyes. "Am I... cryin'?" I never did this in years.. then I saw everyone on the ground unable to move and then my eyes widen I started to shake uncontrollably I then see multiple Grimorie Heart grunts along side someone else who was leading them. My what felt like.... fear turned to immense anger my magic began to activate on its own again. "BLUENOTE!!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs the ground under me breaking the black haired man stopped to look at me.

Guildarts' POV

I manage to get up seeing the damage that was already done with team natsu on the ground and Kori about to lunge at that Grimorie Heart guy I start running before Kori could attack him. "YOU'LL REGRET THE DAY YA SET FOOT ON THIS ISLAND!!" I heard Kori shout I manage to stop him by holding my hand out blocking him. "No I'll handle this, kid." I said to Kori, he then looked at me with anger in his eyes and then I ruffle his ice blue and white spikey hair and he calmed down as I then turn and engage Bluenote. "Personally I don't care about obtaining Zeref or destroying your petty guild!" Bluenote said. "Aye its true.." I heard Kori say and I look back at him. He was pointing at Bluenote accusingly. "The only fuckin' reason why his arse is here cause he wants to get his grimy hands on Fairy Glitter one of Fairy Tail's Three Great Fairy Magics!!" Kori shouted and then Bluenote laughs sending me flying with his Gravity Magic. "My my I must say you know a lot." Bluenote said as I hit the ground. "Well you got me. I'm guilty as charged!" He shouted and then he dodged an attack and then I see Cana with four magic cards in each hand in between each of her fingers and thumb. "Looks like I came here just in time." Cana said panting.

Kori's POV

I see Team Natsu and Wendy on the ground and I clench my hands into fists as I reach for my sword and shield. "Bout time ya got here. Cana." I said and to which Cana smirks. Out of all the times I've seen Cana she seems stronger then I hear mom's voice. "Kori quickly retrieve Fairy Glitter before its too late." It echoed through my head like a broken record and I turn around. "Can I trust ya can take care of that dirtbag?" I asked Cana. "Oh yeah I can where you going?" She asked and I look at her dead in the eyes. "To get what's mine
By what I believe that is my Birth Right." I said before running off leaving Cana to fight Bluenote with all she had.

[End of Chapter]

Sorry for the short and probably rushed chapter I didn't mean to be inactive for so long 😰. Well with that out of the way yeah Kori's getting Fairy Glitter aswell. Why, I dunno cause I thought it'd be cool. Anyways yeah I'm not dead don't worry I may remake this chapter if it seems rushed. Love you all and thanks for the constant reads!

Words: 1195

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