His Separation.

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Nobody's POV

Kori was on the train heading towards Clover watching the scenery fly by luckily the prices for train tickets didn't go up over the 7 years he's been gone. Ever since he was thrown out the ship and onto the sand of Tenrou Island he told himself that from then on he'd no longer go by Iceboren he was now a Vermillion and if his father didn't like it, if he was still alive that is. Then he could kiss Kori's ice cold ass. He chuckled at the thought of Ryu's face when he exclaims his new last name. "Next stop; Clover Station!" Kori heard the conductor exclaim and he got his stuff ready to get off the train until his motion sickness kicked in and he felt sick.

Kori's POV

I opened the window near me and hung my top half out the window. Until the train stopped in Clover and I puke before getting off and then I fall to my knees as I breathe a sigh of relief. "Thank God thats over." I said with relief before getting up and heading towards the local blacksmith I go to and I see it was still in business and I smile as I open the door. "Welcome to Clover Arms and Shields!" A young, brown eye, dirty blonde haired woman says behind the desk. She wore a black blacksmithing apron and a short dress which was grey "Thank ya Ms. Viridy." I said and Viridy's eyes widen as I take off my hood and smiled at her. "My God Kiro its really you!" She exclaimed as she went around the desk to hug me which I happily returned. "Did Ryu send you on a 7 year job or something?" Viridy asked concerned and I look to the side. "Well... not exactly.." I said trying to explain myself. "I was forced on an assassination job and my target is the Salamander of Fairy Tail: Natsu Dragneel, however... I've grown attached to multiple members of the guild and learned a little bit more about my mother and aunt so I'm leavin' Irwindale, and Ryu can't stop me." I replied seriously and Dawn nodded.

"Well back to business what're you in for?" She asked curiously and I take the shield from my back and hand it to her as she starts examining it. "I'm here to sell that shield it was made from the trees on Tenrou Island i heard the wood there is rare so maybe I could make it and sell it or somethin'. Not to mention I'm also hurtin' on cash aswell so... yeah." I explained and she nodded. "Yeah, its said that the wood there is strong and is even fireproof, so how about 2,500 jewel?" Viridy asked and I smiled and nodded. "Yeah sure that's a good startin' point for me so I'll take it." I said happily. Soon after I got my money I walk towards Irwindale, it was snug into a forest and it was near a cave as well I then breathe in and out before I kick the doors open causing the members that were there to look up and their eyes widen to see me my eyes were emotionless just so I could get by them and I look around. "Where's the ol' geezer, if he's still alive." I said and they pointed to his office... damn it he doesn't know how to die. I didn't even bother knocking I just kick open the doors to see my father sitting at his desk and he looked up at me and his eyes widen.

Ryu's POV

I see my son kick open the doors and I look him in the eyes he had buring hatred in his eyes. "Look who decided to show up 7 years later." I said looking back down and until my desk was destroyed by a huge icicle that nearly impaled my forehead and my head shoots back at Kori. "Shut the fuck up Ryu." Kori said and I got angry. "Kori No Ya Ice-" I was then interupted by the icicle levitating and then breaking into smaller ones and then pinning me by my clothes so I couldn't melt them with my magic. "I'm not yer son anymore from now on I go by Kori No Ya Vermillion and there's nothin' ya can do or say bout that," He exclaimed as he then picks up the stamp of Irwindale and stamped his mark on his left cheek causing it to disappear. "and I'm no longer part of this guild too." Kori said his words full of venom and malice and I stood there pinned to my wall speechless and all I could really do myself was watch. "EVERYONE PREVENT KORI FROM LEAVIN' THIS GUILD!!!" I shouted orders and heard a "yes sir" from the guild and Kori pulled out his sword and Kunai. "Fine.. I guess I'll have to fight my way out." He said emotionless as he does exactly that rushing out of the guild.

Fairy Tail: Iceolation (Oc x Wendy Marvell) WIPWhere stories live. Discover now