The Encounter

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Kori's POV

"Damn it they must've sent Cobra to scout ahead those basturds." I growled as I pull my sword out of it's scabbard which was on my back and I ready myself for a battle. "Listen if ya wanna complete this mission alive ya need to watch out for Cobra he's the Venome Dragon Slayer and he's super dangerous his venom doesn't have a lab cure it can only be cured with healin' magic meanin' protect Wendy at all costs!" I looked them all in the eyes Wendy was scared I could tell so I had Snowball, Happy and Carla stay with her I also stayed close to her as I begin thinking of a plan. "Finally a fight I'm all fired up now!" Natsu shouts excitedly probably cause he hasn't fought a Dragon Slayer in a while.

Wendy's POV

I was scared I knew Kori could tell he was always observant I wish we could've talked more in the past he looks like he needs it the coldness I felt when his face turned into this emotionless stone face it was like I was looking at someone else that honestly scared me more than the up coming threat that was obviously going to target me. Something must've happened during the 10 plus years that we've been apart something sinister it makes me sick thinking about it. "Well well well. Look what the cats brought in; the Salamander, Ice Assassin, Sky Maiden and Erza Scarlett! This must be our lucky day." Cobra chuckled as his snake hissed as the rest of the Orécion Seis came into view. I then look at Kori flabbergasted he was the feared murderer going around Fiore killing people? That's when Kori looked at me he was thinking of something that had me in mind because he had this look in his eyes that asked "Do you trust me?"  I nodded and he sighs as he puts on his best insane look putting his sword back and pulling out his dagger he had sheathed on his thigh.

Kori's POV

"Well well well look what we have here mates a my chemical romance abomination, a race car driver wanna be, a fatarse money betch, and a fatty with a talking toothpick and a good for nothin sore excuse for a Dragon Slayer who has to use his pet reptile as a cruch cause he can't eat venome magic like he wants to." I said offending every single person there except for Nightmare he just slept and when I said everything everyone in the group except for Snowball looked at me in shock. "What's the bloody matter dragon caught yer tongue?" I stare menacingly spitting more venome than Cobra could ever do as I inch closer to Wendy.

Erza's POV

I was at a complete loss for words the way this ki- I mean Kori could insult such dangerous people he must've meant he had stared death in the face more than once. I must say I'm intrigued... but also worried he's like me in a way. I then notice a lot of bandages going up his arms, what the hell was going through? I thought but then I heard the clash of weapons and Noticed that the Kori was clashing of weapons and then scream coming from Wendy and thats when we saw Kori take Wendy into one arm and he put his kunai to her throat.

Kori's POV

"K-Kiro?" Wendy asked terrorized and hush her. "Follow my lead if this goes right we can come out of this unscathed." I whispered to her and she nodded slowly she was still scared though which I couldn't blame her considering the obvious circumstances.
"GET THE HELL BACK OR I'LL SLIT HER THROAT!! HONESTLY COBRA I EXPECTED BETTER FROM YA HIDIN' BEHIND YER MERCENARIES LIKE A COWARD!!" I shout putting my kunai closer to Wendy's throat. The mercenary looked like a samurai with two katanas and a cape to go with his weird armour. I continue to stare down the two groups with the samurai looking at the Orécion Seis looking for orders and I could feel the glares of the light guild wizards as I then walk in front of the light guild members looking at Erza who had a sword in hand until she saw the look in my eyes and she whispered to her guildmates who silently passed on the message. "I think ya all should drop and deactivate yer magic or yer poor little Sky Maiden will get hurt." I said in a threatening tone and watch as the light wizards did as they were told before turning to the Orécion Seis and then I spoke. "I think ya should step aside merc before ya get hurt and let the big lads take care of this." I mock him before I dodge an attack from Cobra's snake separating me from Wendy and I mentally curse before I send an attack towards the merc and sending him flying into a couple of trees. "Well worth a shot, 'mon lad ya goin' to get up or give up? Well nonetheless. This fight's done!" I said as I switch from my kunai to my sword and then started twirling my sword as my magic circle appears. "DRAGON WEAPON SECRET ART: ICE DRAGON SPIRIT ATTACK!!!" I shout
sending a dragon made of ice towards the area the mercenary was and it broke more trees and then exploded as I looked away from the explosion spinning my sword before putting it back in its scabbard on my back with a click as I breath out making liquid nitrogen come out of my mouth. "Got any more cannon fodder Cobra?" I ask snarkily.

Fairy Tail: Iceolation (Oc x Wendy Marvell) WIPWhere stories live. Discover now