Alternate Reality pt. 2

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Kori's POV

So there we were me and Wendy in the Edolas Irwindale easedropping, listening to the meeting that was unfolding just in the other room using our Dragon Hearing. "Honestly," I began talking getting Wendy's attention. "One of my favorite benefits of bein' a dragon slayer has to be our inhanced senses." I exclaimed which Wendy smiled and giggled. "Yeah it does come in handy doesn't it?" She asked to which I half smiled and nodded. "So Kiro if its okay for me to ask.. who's the girl with the purple hair?" Wendy asked curiously and I look down. "Oh that's Lisa. . . She atleast in our world was my former girlfriend and the Sky Phantom Slayer... she was killer my my father in our world." I said looking away to hide my sadness and keep my emotions in check. "Oh... Kiro I'm so sorry." Wendy said her tone changing from a curious tone to saddened and guilt filled one which honestly tore me to shreds so I ultimately try my best to comfort her. "It's fine really it is don't worry about it... it couldn't really be helped anyways." I mentally beat myself at the last part, damn it why can't I talk to girls right!

Wendy's POV

I didn't really feel better about what I did but I genuinely knew what he was trying to do so I just hug him and give my best reassuring smile I could muster and I try to change the subject. "So um got any ideas on how we could possibly get out of here?" I ask hopefully but he looks down. "Sorry to burst yer hopes but I got no idea sorry..." Kori said shamefully and I sigh. "Oh well ok the best I can do is find the rest of Fairy Tail." I said trying to keep myself calm. "Yeah ya do that I'll do my best to look around for somethin', I'll come find ya if I do." Kori said and then Edolas Fairy Tail and Irwindale come out of their meeting and Edolas Lucy shakes Edolas Ryu's hand. "Well I think that settles it then Ms. Lucy Heartfilia consider the alliance official, I'm lookin' forward to workin' with ya and yer guild." Ryu said with a smile and Lucy nods in agreement and then I see Kori walk out of Irwindale and my first instinct was to follow him, but I hesitated and sigh.

Snowball's POV

Me, Carla and Happy saw this interesting floating island so we flew towards the island and upon closer inspection there was houses everywhere along with a huge palace and we saw other members of our species of all different colors and sizes. "Woah look at that it's so beautiful." I said in amazement. "Agreed, maybe we ask around to see if any of them saw our friends." Carla said and me and Happy nodded in agreement and we land at what seems to be the entrance. "Wow I never seen anything like this, but do any of you feel like..." Happy began to talk. "That this place seems familiar?" Me and Carla said and unison finishing Happy's question. "Yeah exactly." Happy said as we walked into the settlement but then we were met with eyes and murmurs and I began to get cautious but then next thing I knew I heard a voice. "S-Son?" The three of us turned around to see a female exceed with simular blue fur as Happy who was wearing what looked to be a tied on headdress and a gown with her eyes widened. "Um wh-" happy started to ask before he was hugged by her. "M-my baby has come home!" The exceed said and thats when it clicked. "M-Mom?" Happy asked and the female exceed broke her hug to smile at Happy and nod. "I'm so happy your ok! Oh wait till I tell your father!" She said and then I clear my throat and she looked at me and Carla. "OH mom these are my friends Carla and Snowball!" Happy said and I just wave I had my hood up because I felt safer with it on and Carla smiles a little. "A pleasure to meet you Miss." Me and Carla say in unison. "Oh please call me Marl, I was just about to head home please come come I can make you three lunch." Marl says kindly and just then my stomach growls and I blush out of embarrassment. "E-excuse me, but yeah lunch would be great." I stuttered embarrassed by what I did and Marl leads us to her... house? Cottage? Den? I dunno but for my sake I'll just say it's a house and takes us inside and there was a vanilla exceed with black facial hair sitting at the table and he looks up at us and then at Marl. "Lucky dear, look who returned to us!" Marl said happily to the male exceed who set his eyes on Happy and he takes awhile to register it but once he did he smiles and he hugs Happy and then he looks at me and Carla. "Happy my boy welcome home and who are these two young females are these your girlfriends?" Lucky asked which caused me to blush deeply under my hood and Carla to nearly gag. "U-Um not exactly Mr. Lucky um my name is Snowball and that's Carla." I managed to say after blushing. "Ah well either way nice to meet you two as my wife said my name is Lucky ya'hear?" He said with a big smile similar to Happy's and I smile back taking off my hood out of respect. "Lucky, Happy, Carla and Snowball are going to be joining us for lunch." Marl explained and Lucky chuckled and smiled. "That'll be great I can finally spend some well waited on time with my son!" He exclaimed and he motioned us to sit down at the table which we do I decided to sit between Carla and Happy, and I'll be honest I never felt so awkward in my life I dunno if it's because of the fact I was thought to be dating Happy (which I wouldn't mind he's a great cat once you get to know him) or the fact I'm in the same room as his parents or the possibility that I've been here before... whatever it was I didn't really talk much the whole time.

Kori's POV

I walk out of Irwindale and I look up at the sky and see that it's roughly noon if not the early afternoon and that's when I could see a huge lacrima ontop of another floating island in the distance. "That lacrima appeared the same day you and your buddies did." I look over grabbing the hilt of Ice Storm out if instinct but I ease up when I see that Edolas Wendy was the person behind the voice. "Ah I see that means it must be connected somehow." I replied turning back to the lacrima island. "A source I know told me that it will be colliding with the exceed island in a couple of days." Edolas Wendy said sighing sadly. "Wendy, I must ask... how many of these "exceeds" live there?" I ask looking up at her. "No one knows for sure but alot of those cats live up there its their own little kingdom." She said and that caused my eyes to widen "cats"!? That means Snowball, Carla and Happy's families are there and that would mean they'd all die! "Kori." Edolas Wendy said my name I looked her in the eyes, her eyes were full of worry, sadness and guild. "What's wrong?" I replied and she carefully bends down to my eye level. "If your anything like the Kori I know you're going to head for the capital and from there the castle to stop King Hades, but I need you to tell listen to me ok?" She asked and I nod signaling to her that I'm listening. "Okay... I dunno how to put this cause I'm literally talking to a younger alternate version of my boyfriend but.." She starts to say but then I interrupt her. "Wait wait hold on yer sayin' Edolas me got together w-with y-ya?" I started to blush a lot and she nods. "I assume you and my younger self aren't in a relationship at all." She said which I shake my head no. "Anyways well Kori, you see I've been meaning to tell the Kori I knew this but I couldn't bring myself to it so I'm gonna tell you cause I know you'll end up storming the castle sooner or later so... I'm pregnant and well-" I interrupted her again. "And the child is mine but this world's version.. isn't it?" I ask looking at her and she nods. "I didn't want to tell him because of the war between the king and the magic guilds going on... we can't even get married properly because of the conflict." Edolas Wendy said looking sadly and then at that moment I made up my mind and I put my right hand on her left and she she looked at me and I have this soft yet stern look. "For as much as this is worth and though I'm not the same Kori ya've grown to love I swear upon my mother and aunt's graves I WILL see to it that my Counterpart sees ya in that weddin' dress and be when it comes time for his child to be born into this world. You. Have. My. Undyin' promise." I said with the look which she smiles and hugs me and I hug her back. "Thank you Kori and if it comes down to when you have to tell him please try to make him understand my reasoning of not telling him?" Edolas Wendy asked to which I nod. "I will even if it means my demise." I say before breaking the hug and start walking and then I stop. "Oh and also tell my Wendy where I am and what I'm doin' I told her what I'd do and tell her that'd I'll send any of her guild members her way if I run into em?"  I ask looking back at her which she smiles and nods to which I then turn back, pulling the hood of my cloak and jacket over my head and face and I walk towards the direction of the capital with a new found determination, purpose and objectives.

Kori opened up to Wendy after the Edolas Fairy Tail and Irwindale discuss about becoming allies in the conflict between them and the Tyranic Monarch King Hades. Meanwhile our three beloved exceeds Happy, Carla and Snowball find the Exceed Kingdom and there met Marl and Lucky the parents of Happy who invite the three to lunch where they'll get to know them along with the other residents residing there all the awhile unaware of the looming doom not too far away. Then while Kori was thinking about leaving for the capital the Edolas version of Wendy tells him about her pregnancy and Kori makes an oath to save his Edolas counterpart by any means necessary. Will Kori hold up to his word? What discoveries will he find while at the capital? Will Wendy ever be reunited with her guild again? FIND OUT IN THE NEXT CHAPTER OF THE ICE DRAGON SLAYER AND SKY MAIDEN!!

Words: 1919

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