Ultimatum Pt. 2

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Wendy's POV

I had just possibly saved Kori's life as he lay on my sky blue couch sleeping soundly as he had passed out from blood loss. Just before he passed out he uttered a few more words. "I... No longer... Have a... Choice... They'll kill.. not just her.... But ya, Chelia... And Viridy too...." Was the last thing Kori said to me before passing out. That was an hour ago as I looked at Kori in shock. Dang it.. what is Kori gonna do, is he... No he wouldn't do that.... Would he?

How did Irwindale find out about me, Viridy, and Chelia's close bonds with him we all made sure to keep our relationships under wraps... It must've been after the battle during the war or maybe during the Grand Magic Games. I look at Kori and run my fingers through his hair softly before going to bed.

-3 days and 13 hours earlier-

Kori's POV

I snuck throughout the vast man-made cave system as I followed the scent of Snowball. There were Irwindale wizards everywhere, sneaking around was hard but I managed to sneak and slip through security. Ryu definitely wasn't messing around anymore seeing how 7 years passed and that meant his patients were finally at their end, that meant that he was going to attack Fairy Tail and other light guilds he came across on the way there.

Every which way I had to carefully check my corners and use my dragon senses to listen and smell where Snowball and Irwindale Wizards were at. I dive behind some boxes to hide from yet another group of dark wizards, but then I realized they were people sympathetic towards me and I made a subtle 'psst' sound and when that didn't catch their attention, I made it a little louder which caused them to jolt and turn around. When they saw me a smile etched across their faces in relief and went to say something but I put my finger to my mouth.

"Kori, where were you, we haven't seen you in 7 years." A green haired man with a rather muscular build says as I sighed and smiled a small bit it wasn't a full blown smile, but a smile nonetheless. "I'm sorry Darian, I was at Fairy Tail, but ya gotta listen to me. Ryu kidnapped Snowball and I'm here to get her back, I need ya to point me towards the dungeon." I stated with Ernest in my voice.

"It's down that hallway to the right." Darian replied as he pointed toward the hallway as I nodded in response. "Thank ya, Darian." I said before running down the hallway cautiously. The hallway was dim and very long I had to hide in different rooms just to hide from other Irwindale members. I'd then finally reach the dungeon, it looked horrible and smelled damp and cold. As I went further in I saw prisoners of varying conditions of injury and health some were even knocking on death's door.. how inhumane.

I'd then come across a secluded cell and inside I saw an injured Snowball leaning against the far wall. "Snowball." I called her quietly making her ears perk up and she looked over and she got up shakily and limped over to the cell. "Kori... You're here...." She said weakly as I hushed her as I began healing her more minor wounds and helping increase her recovery of her more major wounds which consisted of a broken left leg and ankle. "It's the best I can do come one let's get ya out of he-" I said before blocking an attack with my shield from someone none other than Ryu.

I scowl and growl. "Well well well, look who decided to come crawlin' back to get his lost little kitty!" Ryu exclaimed as he had his rapier drawn and before I knew it I was getting knocked around by some mysterious fire magic as Ryu laughed. "Like my new tricks Kori, it's my Phasmamorphic state, or as yer dragon slayer pests would call it, my Phantom Force, I have the power to bend all fire to do my biddin'!!" Ryu shouted as I got up shakily as I coughed up blood.

"Ya bastard, ya led me here usin' Snowball as bait, knowin' I'd come to save her.." I said trying to send ice magic attacks towards Ryu but they all melted before they could reach him, making him laugh hysterically. "Face it Kori yer powerless while I'm in this state!" Ryu shouted as he blocked some sword attacks from me as we began to trade blows with one another, the sounds of our fight alerted the Irwindale wizards and I mentally cursed as I managed to hit Ryu back into the hallway. At this point I sustained a lot of injuries and I couldn't escape with Snowball unless I had a teleport lacrima which I didn't have.

'Damn it all...' I thought as I looked at Snowball who was in tears. "Go Kiro I'll figure this out on my own!" Snowball said to me before Ryu locked blades with me. "Yes Kiro, go and leave yer precious Snowball on borrowed time, after all she has 3 days to live before Irwindale marches to Magnolia as we put on a public mass slaughter of the Fairy Tail Guild, startin' with yer precious cat!" Ryu mocked before kicking me in the ribs, I certainly felt some of them break as I was sent flying down the hall.

"Then I'll save yer precious Wendy and Viridy for last and then they'll be mercilessly tortured before dyin' by my hand! Then after that we'll start trackin' down Chelia Blendy and destroy her guild too on the way back to Irwindale. It'll be so. Much. Fun." Ryu said with a maniacal smile I saw him point towards me and next thing I knew, I was forced to then fight off several waves of Irwindale wizards while injured which only made me worse as I sustained cuts and magic based injuries before finally making it out of the cave and then spent the next three days limping and hiding from Irwindale wizards, as well as hostile wild life.

Wendy's POV

-Present Time-

I've been healing Kori's wounds to the best of my ability, when I got him stable enough, I started to walk towards my door. I needed to let someone know what was going to happen, I'm scared but I know we'll persevere. I just need to let Erza and the rest of Team Natsu know, I then felt someone grab me and then I felt them hug me. I'd jump and then look behind me and then I see Kori hugging me, he looked tired and still weak I see him burying his face into the crook of my neck causing me to blush.

"Don't... Leave... Yet... Please..?" Kori said as he held me tighter and I'd feel him start to shake as he let out a shallow breath. He was on the verge of crying and I then made him let go long enough for me to turn around and hug him back, I'd then find myself getting picked up. Kori was taking me back to the sofa and then I found myself being cuddled by Kori. I felt my heart begin beating rapidly, that's when I realized what this feeling was, it was love... I'm falling in love with Kori.

-Cliff Hanger LMAO Happy Late Star Wars Day I'm thinking of starting a Star Wars book to celebrate the birthday of Star Wars so watch out for that-

Words: 1274

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2023 ⏰

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