Call of the Fairy Pt. 3 - A Call to Arms?

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[The night before the arrival of Fairy Tail]

No One's POV

Kori was in the cave sleeping using his survival bag as a pillow while being covered up snug in his Sky Blue sleeping bag, with his sword and kunai not too far from his side which were both in grabbing distance if anything ever tried to attack him. It was quiet other than the noise of the ocean and hotspring and the occasional animal passing through outside the cave. Mavis had come to check on him a couple times and even sat at his bedside. (Bagside? Idk) "Oh Nat... if only you were here you'd be able to help him more than I could." Mavis whispered so she wouldn't wake her sleeping nephew who was snoring quietly.

???????'s POV

I watch from a tree near the cave hearing what Mavis said and I sigh. "It wasn't your fault Mavy. It was mine for being careless." I said my white long hair blowing in the tropical breeze my aqua and teal armour reflecting somewhat off the moonlight and my ocean blue ghostly eyes trained on my dearest sister and my baby boy that I'm so sad to say I never got to see grow up sleep with bandages covering his arms from what I could see. My name is Natalie Vermillion and I've been dead for roughly almost twelve years it feels like, I normally walk around the Fairy Tail guild hall when everyone left to head home and now I find myself hiding behind a tree on Tenrou Island where my twin sister is "buried". Yeah I know about the lacrima that is in a secret room no one in the guild knows about that houses Mavis' body but that's neither here nor there. I wait for my dearest twin sister to leave before I walk to my son's sleeping bag and that's when I feel all of his negative feelings from his pain, to his anger and his overwhelming amount of sadness. "My dear little Snow Angel... if only I could see you in flesh instead of my phantom form. I feel so bad if I only knew what would've happened to me and then what would've happened to you when you got older.. I wouldn't have gone on that job," I said sadly but I then take a deep breath. "but now it's time for you to realize what your destiny holds for you and the rest of the guild. You try so hard to protect the ones you care for and though you don't know most of the current members of Fairy Tail you still protect them like their your family. This initially why you elongated your "job" and helped them with dealing with threats, even though you claim that you're only doing it for that Wendy girl you hang around." I said as I put my index finger on his forehead and that is when I'm transported to Kori's dreamscape. It was dark, gloomy and depressing and deprived of any bright colors besides white otherwise it was black and grey. The only things that were colorized was me and him. He was sitting on the ground on a high clock tower and I realize we were on the clock tower in Magnolia, but the city was deprived of any life besides us and then a black and white version of himself appeared beside him. "Ya know, despite what ya saw doesn't change anythin' there's no hope yer stuck in that hell of a place with that monster." The dull colored Kori said and I look confused 'monster?' who was he referring to? Kori stayed silent I could tell he was looking down at what looked to be Fairy Hills. "Ya know for a fact that even if ya do escape and manage to get to Fairy Tail Ryu will just destroy them and kill everyone including Snowball just like he did with yer previous girl ya loved, so why are ya even tryin' anymore?" The dull colored Kori continued and at the mention of Ryu's name my eyes widen I knew Ryu was abusing Kori but killing people he cared about? This was way worse than I ever thought of. "Honestly if ya ask me ya should just kill Natsu and get it over with it's for the best. Its what's good for Snow-" the dull Kori was cut off. "Shut up." Kori finally said and the dull colored Kori laughed. "Looks like I finally got ya to speak, but seriously Kiro ya know I'm right, ya said it yerself, yer practically a tickin' time bomb 'bout to explode." The dull Kori said. "I SAID SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" Kori shouted and my eyes widen at his sudden outburst and not to mention his foul language as the dull colored Kori gets up pulls out his sword that had the same color scheme as he did with a frown. "What's the matter think I'm wrong? Honestly Kiro ya keep tellin' yerself these idiotic lies to yerself sayin' ya will become strong enough to kill that inhuman tyrant and join Fairy Tail so I'll ask ya again. Do ya still have a drivin' force to join Fairy Tail or have ya finally faced reality and realized there's NO escapin' Irwindale!?" He shouted and Kori got up pulling out his own sword. "I... I still do but it's not just Snowball anymore. It's for Wendy and Erza too." Kori said holding his sword in both hands and the dull colored version growled and attacked him Kori began to block the attacks with such fluent motion but the dull Kori was just as fluent. "Erza AND Wendy, don't make me fuckin' laugh do ya really think they're powerful enough to strike down Ryu!? Hell no, Wendy is too much of a softy and weak and Erza would try but she'd be inevitably killed cause of how dirty and ruthless Ryu fights." The dull ver. said with words full of venom as he gains the upper hand in there little duel. "WHEN THE HELL ARE YA GONNA GET IT THROUGH YER THICK ARSE FUCKIN' BRAIN OF YERS KIRO. YA. ARE. DOOMED!!!" The Dark Kori as I've grown to call him roared and that's when I make my presence known. "Because he knows that the members of Fairy Tail are stronger than they seem and will go through Hell to save their friends and family!" I exclaimed as I send a magic attack that made Dark Kori disappear and Kori laid on the edge of the tower with wide, tearful eyes. "M-Mother?" I heard him say as I look down at him and I smile holding out my hand towards him and he shakily grabs it and I pull him to his feet.

Fairy Tail: Iceolation (Oc x Wendy Marvell) WIPWhere stories live. Discover now