Call of the Fairy pt 4

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Hades' POV

I walk with some of my grunts and Zancrow I hope to see Makarov again and then kill him and then Fairy Tail soon after.. even if it means we have to use... him. "Master Hades there they are." A grunt said and Zancrow smiled evily. "Ah finally I've been itching for a fight!" He exclaimed excitedly. "All in good time Zancrow." I said smiling. We soon come across Makarov and the Salamander conversing and then Zancrow lunged into battle fighting the Salamander, sorry Ryu but looks like your 'son' won't be killing him like you asked. "Hades you had nerve coming here!" Makarov shouted at me going into his battle stance. I started laughing "Ah it sure as been awhile boy, you've aged." I mocked as I did the same.

Kori's POV

I was walking towards the Tenrou Tree and stopping at Mavis' grave to take a break but when I stopped at my aunt's grave I start hearing many footsteps and I hide behind her tombstone grabbing my kunai and I peak out a bit to see Grimorie Heart grunts and smile evily as pull my hood of my cloak over my head. "Where do we go to get to the tree?" Asks one of 15 grunts. "I think northeast from here." Another said and the other 13 grunts groan. "Does that mean we're lost, oh that's just great." Another said and I start laughing. "WHO'S THERE!!??" A grunt shouted and the other 14 ready their weapons. "Ya know ya got some nerve comin' to Fairy Tail's sacred ground, I must say I'm almost impressed." I started laughing more as I come out of my hiding spot twirling my Kunai and doing tricks with it and I saw some of the grunts flinch. "It's Kori No Ya!" One exclaimed. "The one and only." I give them a murderous toothy grin and some start shaking. "What are you doing here!" One of the grunts shouted. "Isn't it obvious or wasn't Grimorie Heart not at the last meeting?" I asked glaring st the grunts. "Well we got news for you bud! Zancrow is probably taking care of the Salamander as we speak sorry but your father will be utmost pleased." I could tell the grunt was smiling when they said that Zancrow was gonna kill Natsu and I think of something. "Oh no this won't do. . ." I said sadly and the grunts' posture showed they were confused. Then my Irwindale Guild Mark started to glow and I suddenly felt faint. "My father will surely punish me greatly for makin' other people do MY dirty work I guess that means.. I'LL HAVE TO KILL MY COMPETITION!!" I shouted my fake sad tone turning into a serious angry tone as I attack and cut down 4 out of the 15 grunts there as the remaining 11 just up and ran and so I persude them. I could tell they were running toward Master Hades cause of the distant fighting I could hear, but the problem is... I'm not in control of my body... and the next thing I knew I sent icicles towards the group and suddenly 11 became 6 and then from 6 to one single grunt and he was screaming bloody murder.

Zancrow's POV

I hear screaming and both me and the Salamander look toward where it was coming from and from out of the woods came a Grimorie Heart grunt covered in blood. "HE'S HERE THE ASSASSIN IS HERE!!!" the grunt shouted scared to death. "What assassin?" Master Hades asked but just then clouds of liquid nitrogen and snow shot out of the woods and snatched the grunt into it while the grunt was screaming telling him to don't do it and was practically pleading for his life but then there was a scream and then silence and then out came the Ice Assassin himself but something seemed off about him. "Well well well." I started to say. "If it isn't the Ice Assassin himself, where's your little cat friend?" I asked and he stood there not saying anything his glare was stone cold and emotionless with only a shit eating grin on his face, his blades and his clothes soaked in blood. "Kori, what an unsuspecting surprise." Hades said with some amusement then suddenly Kori disappeared and we start looking around. "I'll destroy ya all, I know what yer here to di and what will happen if I let ya take down the Salamander for me." We heard Kori say his voice was monotone meaning something made him snap, which meant I had to be on my guard. "What happened to Kiro WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO HIM!!" I heard Natsu shouting and I glance at him and then I get hit in the side by something cold and I see Kori hitting me in the ribs. "Ice Dragon: Iron Fist!" I heard him shout as he sends me flying through multiple trees, as ice formed around me. "What the hell is this power I never knew he packed such a punch." I said cringing in pain as I stumble a bit but I regain my footing and see Kori coming at me with another attack and I dodge the attack and the attack collided with the tree causing it to explode and for a brief moment me and Kori's eyes met, his eyes were trained on me with the intent to kill and I send my own attacks at him and he prominently dodged them and or countered with his own and I had to dodge swings of his kunai and sword and then suddenly he put his kunai away and blasted ice in my face temporarily blinding me and causing me to lose my footing and also focus cause just then I get hit by the Salamander and then suddenly darkness.

Fairy Tail: Iceolation (Oc x Wendy Marvell) WIPWhere stories live. Discover now