The Destruction of Nirvana

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No one's POV

When it came time Kori and the rest of the group woke up and went over the plan again "Personally I don't know the insides of Nirvana well but I know some parts." Kori said drawing a rough draft of some of the parts of Nirvana. "Not sure how much help there'll prove to be but I tried my best." He continued passing everyone a copy. "It's quite alright Kori, thank you." Erza said taking the paper.

Natsu's POV

I'm still surprised about this kid, the kid that's part of a dangerous guild, shows so much power, a dragon slayer and has a mouth of a sailor is related to our first guild master, but nonetheless he's helping us, but we'll have to tell Gramps about this when we get back. "Well what're we waiting for, let's bust this joint!" I shouted and I thought I saw Kori smile. "Yeah let's go!" Everyone except Snowball and Kori shouted and we all moved out.

Kori's POV

I quickly smiled but it disappeared knowing full well I'll have to kill Natsu and backstab everyone here and probably more meaning I'll have to distance myself from them as much as I don't want to. Once we got moving me and Snowball stayed a bit of distance from the group. "Kori, I-" Snowball started to say but I lifted a hand stopping her. "I know what yer goin' to say Snowy and yer right in some cases. We should attempt to escape Irwindale again... but I just don't know if it's worth it anymore.." I said looking down as my father's words echoed in my mind. "If you refuse Snowball will die." Plays in mind like a broken record stuck on repeat. "Also another thing if you try escaping Snowball's death will be a very slow and agonizin' death, somethin' I'm sure thats somethin' ya don't want for her, do you?" The words keep echoing and I let out a shakey breath. "A-Are you serious Kiro? You really think we should just.. give up?" Snowball asked with a surprised look to which I nod sadly. Snowball gets this saddened look she never thought I'd say that, but in my mind I can't bare to see her die it would tear me apart she's the only family I have left.

Snowball's POV

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, no I refused to believe it Kori would never give up like this and so suddenly too, just earlier this month we were making a plan and managed to get 2 people from Irwindale that agreed with the harsh treatment that everyone was getting especially Kori and I and they agreed to help us escape when the time came and would want us to tell them which guild we'll be joining so they'd join too and now Kori is going to throw that too the wind!? "Come on let this be our final try please we already have 2 people on board with the plan please?" I tried to plead but Kori just looked down it was obvious he was losing hope. "This will be our final attempt if it fails there will be no more attemps in the future." Kori said with a sad look and I nod.

(Time skip made with chibi Snowball and Carla embracing each other awe ❤w❤)

Wendy's POV

We got into fights with the Orécion Seis we managed to "beat" Hoteye, it was only because of the activation of Nirvana that made have a change of heart so we pushed on we managed to bored Nirvana as it began sprouting legs. "Are ya fuckin seriou- URK!" I heard Kori exclaim before getting motion sick and throw up. "I'll help you!" I said and I used my sky magic to help him and Natsu with their motion sickness. "Thanks Wendy you're awesome!" Natsu said smiling and I blushed shyly. "I-it's not a problem." I replied smiling.

No one's POV

As everyone began to fight each member of the Orécion Seis and then fought with Brain, Kori and Snowball stayed with Wendy and Carla as they approach one of the cores. "I'm sorry everyone but this is as far as we can go as far as helpin' ya. If we help ya anymore my father will punish us greatly we might see each other again who knows." Kori said apologetically looking down. "If ya go further down ya will see the core attack it when everyone gets into position. Please be careful, both of ya." Snowball said as Kori hugged both Carla and Wendy. "Please, don't go atleast be there when we get back to Cateshelter?" Wendy pleaded hugging Kori tightly. "I can't make any promises but if I can't then know that I won't be too far away." Kori said trying his best to smile as he broke the hug and with Snowball ran back the other way.

Kori's POV

I was saddened having to leave Wendy the way I did, but it had to be done I needed to get the hell out of dodge before anything happened as far as my father finding out what I did but as me and Snowball flew away we saw Nirvana being destroyed and from the bottom level of Nirvana we saw Natsu beating the crap out of Brain while in his Dragon Force state. "No way Kiro, is that?" Snowball asked looking back in amazement. "A look of the fabled Dragon Force that all Dragon Slayers have? Yes and it's badarse ain't it? That's I believe either 3rd or 5th generation Dragon Force I don't know really." I said trying my best to pin point what gen Natsu was.

Snowball's POV

I was amazed but I needed to land or me and Kori were going to fall out of the sky so I landed near Cateshelter and it was just in time as my wings disappeared causing us to land a bit rough but nothing too bad. "Sorry Kori, I was at my limit." I said apologetically. "It's fine Snowball I didn't mean to push ya so hard be we had to get outta there fast." Kori said and then we saw everyone walking back and then we saw those Magic Council Dogs coming to apprehend Jellal and Hoteye.

Kori's POV

"Shite, the magic council!" I yelled pulling Ice Storm from its scabbard and grabbing Ice Fang my kunai from it's sheathe on my outer thigh as some Council grunts see me and Snowball. "LOOK, THERE'S THE ICE ASSASSIN AND HIS PARTNER!!" One grunt said. "Take them too their too dangerous to be left out here wondering!" The captain said and grunts started to charge at us. "KIRO!" Snowball exclaimed to which smiled and attacked them without hesitation taking down grunts left and right. "YA HONESTLY THINK YA CAN JUST ATTACK ME AND MY PARTNER AS WELL AS TWO OF MY CLOSEST FRIENDS!? OH YA ARE DUMBARSES!!" I exclaim laughing as I send 5 grunts flying with an ice attack.

"You dare insult the magic council! You swine, I'll have your head!" The captain said pulling out a broadsword which I start laughing as the magic pressure increased drastically as liquid nitrogen and snow swirls and blows around me. "Go ahead, try it ya wouldn't survive anyways." I replied showing my glowing eyes scaring everyone in the council. "Captain we shouldn't go after him like this we already took casualties, we'll have to get reinforcements!" A soldier said and caused the captain to back down. "Fine then! Leave them we got what we initially came for!" He said as the council retreated and the magic pressure decreased.

Carla's POV

I couldn't believe what I saw Kiro just saved us all from being arrested.. but the way he did was unlike him. Did something possibly snap inside of him and caused him to attack? He'd never attack without a reason to unless me and Wendy were the reason.. "Kori are you ok?" I asked to which he cleaned the blood from the council members he wounded from his weapons. "Y-Yeah sorry ya had to see me like that." He said and looked at everyone. "Cateshelter isn't far from here let's get all of ya home to celebrate yer victory." Kori said and everyone nodded and we went to the guild.

~ Author's Note~

Alright sorry this chapter is shorter than the last one but I think this is a good stopping point before everything with Wendy and Carla happens don't you? Anyways hope your enjoying my fanfiction so far I'm planning on possibly doing a Q/A sometime in the far future you know to see what you have to say about the story or share any ideas for my fanfiction. Right now I'm searching for users on Fairy Tail Amino to make some pictures featuring Kori and Wendy for more covers for the chapters so if your interested in all that hit me up either here on Wattpad or on Amino. You all are awesome thanks for giving my book a chance!

Words: 1515

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