Three Weeks and a Slip Up!

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Nobody's POV

It's been three weeks since Kori fell into the Magic Depletion Endorsed Coma and nowx Wendy, Carla, Snowball, Happy, Natsu and Erza sit at a table in the original guild before they left for Tenrou Island. "It feels weird sitting in the guild hall again even though we've been here for 3 weeks now..." Wendy commented and Happy nods. "Aye." He said smiling a little. "Any news on Kori's condition?" Snowball asked hopefully. "Nothing... I'm worried about him... what was that spell he casted..." Natsu said and then Levy and Makarov came and sat with the group. "That spell that Kori casted was a forbidden art that is exclusive to the Fire Phantom Slayer a very rare form of Slayer Magic that spell is one of the highest kill ratio, the fact that Minerva was even able to still fight was a blessing even for her." Makarov said and we all look down. "The spell is called Flame Coffin of the Damned it engulfs the victim in blue flames where they are burned and suffocated and if the victim manages to survive the suffocation, the explosion that happens afterwards would do them in there are little cases of victims surviving the spell which makes Minerva's feat so astonishing." Levy commented and Makarov nodded.

Porlyusica's POV

I was tending to Kiro and looking at ways to help increase his chances of pulling out of the coma. "I know there's a mixture or spell here somewhere." I say to myself until I heard groaning. "Gr- Grandeeny?" I heard a Scottish accent from the bed Kori was laying in. "Grandeeny?" I question and then I see him sit up and he looked around. "Where am I?" He asked studying his surroundings and I walk to him. "You're in my house, you were in a Magic Depletion Endorsed Coma." I reply and he looks at me. "You sound a lot like Grandeeny.." Kori said and I look at him confused. "Sorry I should leave I heard from Fairy Tail you hate people so." Kori said getting up and I say nothing. "Be careful next time." I say he looked at me before nodding grabbing his things. "Thank ya for takin' care of me, I'll be leavin'." Kori said and before I could say anything he left.

Snowball's POV

I was hoping to hear from Porlyusica about Kori but its been silent I hope he's ok. Then suddenly Natsu picks up something because he started smelling something. "Someone's coming, I don't know who yet." Natsu said and my ears perk up as I finish my peppermint tea and get up and look at the door a little scared. "Do you think it's Irwindale?" I ask concerned and Wendy picks me up and held me close. "No I'm sure they know not to go up against a major guild like Fairy Tail I'm sure." Wendy said reassuringly. "Christmas Cookies, Gingerbread... sugar lots of sugar.." Natsu begain describing until the guild doors flew open and the whole guild's eyes widened.

Kori's POV

I stood there in the guild doors and a smile crept onto my face. "I'm home." I announce and the whole guild erupted in cheers and shouts. "YEAH KORI'S OK!!" Reed exclaimed. "Welcome home Kiro!" Freed said smiling. "KIRO!!" Snowball shouted, flying at me at a great speed and I got her and she made me stumble a bit. "Hey Snowb-" I was then smacked by her left wing. "YOU JERK YOU HAD ME WORRIED SICK!!" Snowball shouted and I hold my now red left cheek. "Sorry." Is all I could say. Snowball just snuggled into my chest and Wendy hugged me. "So are ya gonna slap me too?" I asked her and Wendy tensed up. "W-Why would I do that!?" She exclaimed panicking. "I dunno just thought ya would," I replied shrugging. "Didn't I worry ya too?" I ask and Wendy blushed. "W-well considering I was the one that prevented you from g-getting hurt further.... yes?" Wendy replied bashfully. I then feel and armored hand grab my head from the side and I get this confused look until my head gets rammer by a breastplate and realized it was Erza. "Ow... hi Erza." I said and then she hugged me tighter like a worried older sibling. "Hug me back before I crush your head." Erza said and I chuckle. "Yes big sister." I said absent mindedly hugging her back not thinking of what I just said. That is until Erza's eyes widened and the whole guild except for Mavis turns pale. "Big sister?" Erza said in shock and thats when I realized what the hell I just said. "Ah...... um.... fuck please don't kill me I just thought of ya like a big sister I never had!!" I started to frantically explain myself making me look like Wendy when she has one of her bashful moments.

Erza's POV

I was speechless and shocked. Kori really called me big sister and now he's practically apologizing and making a fool out of himself and I sigh and smile before grabbing him making him tense up before hugging him. "Please call me whatever you like." I said and I feel Kori shake a little before I feel him wrap his arms around me. "So yer not gonna kill me?" Kori asked and I smiled. "Well not for calling me Big Sister but I will have to beat the crap out of you cause you scared me half to death." I replied as I then suplex Kori onto the floor with a loud thump and a yelp from Kori as he was lifted into the air.

Kori's POV

I yelped and then I felt pain shoot down my body. "Yup... that hurt." I said with pain in my voice as I roll onto my stomach and I get up. "That was SO unnecessary." I said to Erza who smiled. "Then don't scare us like that again." Erza replied and I roll my eyes. "God I love ya guys.." I said smiling at Erza and the rest of the Fairy Tail guild. "So Kori if you don't mind me asking," Freed begain saying and I look at the long green haired male. "Will you be joining Fairy Tail?" Freed asked finally and I thought for a second. "I will... but for the time bein' I'd like to keep the mark from bein' put on my body, so I guess I want to unofficially join the guild, and then possibly officially join once I take down my ol' geezer." I explained sadly looking at Freed. "Don't get me wrong I want to join I just don't feel safe joinin' officially yet, besides if I join the newspaper will be all over me like a swarm of pissed off bees. "Breakin' News: Ice Assassin, Kori No Ya Vermillion Joins Fairy Tail Guild!" Or somethin' of the sort." I said doing an impression of a news reporter when I was doing the headline. "I understand Kori full heartedly." Mavis said smiling. "I promise though no matter what I'll join Fairy Tail even if it's the last thing I do." I said with the most determined look I ever made.

Kori now recovered from his Magic Depletion Endorsed Coma is now up against tough decision. To go and join Fairy Tail and risk its downfall by the hands of Irwindale or the press, or take down Ryu and then join the guild that his late mother and aunt built, protected and died for. This leads to him ultimately making a promise claiming no matter what happens, he will join Fairy Tail. Will Kori hold true to his promise? Will Kori finally have what it takes to beat his father? Will Kori manage to get the lost fairy spells from his mother's tombstone within the Fairy Tail cemetery? Find out next time on The Ice Dragon Slayer and the Sky Maiden!!!

Words: 1324

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