Incoming! Orécion Seis

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Kori's POV

Me and Snowball follow the group of wizards carefully through the dense forest keeping out of sight it was kinda nerve racking cause of how on guard everyone was and that I knew where the Orécion Seis where cause prior to me and Snowball being sent on this mission my father had met up with them to discuss the plan regarding Nirvana and how they can use it to wipe all the light guilds out and I didn't want to see Fairy Tail get obliterated cause of the ties I have to the guild not to mention the Orécion Seis' first target would be Cateshelter which was Wendy's guild and that caused me to be more on edge. Damn it why can't things go right for me for once, I'm so. . . Confused and worried but I don't know why. . .

Is it because it's because Wendy will be put in danger and the reason why I'm confused is because I care so much for the Fairy Tail wizards even though I don't even know them? Its like some invisible force is tempting me to come out of the treeline and reveal myself.. weird. I suddenly see the group of wizards stop because Erza had suddenly stopped she looked rather annoyed at something but that gives me and Snowball time to rest.

Snowball's POV

I noticed how tense Kori was once we stopped as he knelt on a tree branch beside me and I knew that something wasn't right. "Kori, is something wrong luv?" I ask with concern. Kori then looked me in the eyes and I could tell by the look in his eyes he was worried about something. "I don't know what to do.. I'm tempted to jump out of hidin' and warn 'em about the Orécion Seis' plans to destroy Cateshelter and the rest of the light guilds, but I don't wanna make them attack me or somethin' of the sort."

Kori explained watching the group of wizards but had his eyes trained mostly on Natsu and Wendy. "I wouldn't blame ya if ya do." I said after a moment of silence. He looked at me bewildered normally if it were someone else I wouldn't have let him jump out of hiding cause of the possibility of Irwindale spies watching us but I knew for a fact no one would dare come here especially this place being me and Kori's stomping grounds.

Erza's POV

As I walked I noticed something wasn't right here I didn't know if I was on edge after seeing those Irwindale members on the train or this being a if we fail we're all doomed scenario but something in my gut was telling me that something was off... really off despite passing through these woods coming back from S Class Quests. I always felt two pairs of eyes that didn't belong to any of my group members I'd be lying if I said it didn't make me nervous but then I growled after awhile trying to ignore the feeling and that's when I stopped to everyone's confusion. "COME ON. OUT YOU COWARDS!!" I shouted, scaring everyone in my sudden outburst. "E-Erza what are you-" I had interupted Gray when I summoned a sword with my requip magic and hurled it like spear where the feeling was coming from.

Kori's POV

Me and Snowball jumped at Erza's sudden outburst then I saw a sword flying toward us. "OH SHITE!!" I shouted grabbing Snowball and falling out of the tree to get away from the blade that took the top half of the tree down along with a few small strans of my hair. When I hit the ground a hard thud was heard but not before me and Snowball tumbled through the lower tree branches on the way down and then we rolled onto the path the light wizards were taking, luckily Snowball wasn't hurt.. unlike me I had hit my knee on a rock and had a huge gash on said left knee and I also had some bruises and other minor injuries and then I let out a Dragon like growl.

"ARE YA FUCKIN' MAD YA RED HEADED SWORD THROWIN' MANIAC YA COULD'VE FUCKIN' KILLED US YA BLOODY IDIOT!!!" I yelled angrily mostly cause I was in pain but I could care less right then and there. I then realized me and Snowball's cover was blown and I suddenly get this oh shit look God damn it and the good news keeps rolling in... just kill me now and get it over with please! "Uuuuuuhhh." I said starting to sweat and that's when I see my gash on my knee. "Um got a healer... or medical supplies?" I swallowed hard trying to make a smile while also trying to sound less angry than I was already.

Natsu's POV

I was absolutely dumbfounded where did I see this kid before then I remember the train ride seeing him slouched over a window during the train ride here. "IT'S YOU!!" I shouted pointing at the ice blue and white haired kid. Lucy then gasped and then readied for battle. "You're that Irwindale wizard we saw on the train last how did you find us and why are you so young!?"

Lucy yelled then the kid just blankly stared at the both of us. "UM pretty obvious if ya stop and use this thing called yer brain I followed ya here DUUUUUH and as far as me being a kid fuck ya mean to say ya thought all of Irwindale are adults well I got news for ya there's kids there too and ya happened to be lookin' at 'em ya fuckin' arseholes." He replied snarkily which pissed me off as my hands light on fire and start to walk to him but I stop when Wendy came out of the crowd. "K-Kiro?" She asked suprised. "Wait... you know him!?" I asked in a surprised tone which the blue haired girl nodded shyly.

Wendy's POV

I walk through the group to see the familiar Ice Blue and White haired boy that I thought we had long since stopped talking after our last meeting we had fought about his well being while being in Irwindale. I was trying to get him to join Cateshelter with me and Carla but he kept saying it was for me and Carla's safety that we'd stay apart and in different guilds.. it was heartbreaking but I saw why he kept himself away from us, while on a job I did some digging and found that minor guilds have been destroyed by Irwindale wizards there to take Kori and Snowball back with them it was awful. "K-Kiro?" I managed to stutter out suprised and caught off guard. He looked me in the eyes the rage that was burning in his eyes cause of Erza's attack seemed to vanish and he waved softly that was when Natsu asked if I knew Kori which I nodded shyly.

"They go back to when they were young and training under their respective dragons." Carla said trying to explain the best she could. "Wait.. YOU'RE A DRAGON SLAYER TOO!!?" Natsu shouted pointing at Kiro which he irritatedly nodded. "Aye, what's it to ya?" Kori asked glaring at Natsu before looking to the side. "Kiro be nice!" I said to him and he just sighs.

Kori's POV

I look to the side and I sigh then look at Snowball who nodded. "Look the reunion is sweet and all but I need to warn ya about somethin' dangerous." I spoke up as I slowly get up and start limping toward the group, my gash still hurting like hell. "Hey be careful!" Wendy ran to me and helped me walk toward the group and I could feel the tension it was so thin feeling you could just barely blow on it and it'd break into a intense flame of violence.

"The Orécion Seis, their apart of this whole ordeal they're the reason why the magic council formed the group yer apart of now. Ya probably already know but they're target is Nirvana I know their strategy but there's no tellin' where they could be and what their up to right now." I said in a worrying tone. I was worried mostly cause of Wendy and Carla I didn't worry about the others that were in the group honestly if Natsu were to die on this mission it'd be less work for me but nonetheless I don't even want to kill him so I'll have to play both sides in this scenario I guess.

Wendy had started to heal my gash but I stop her by grabbing her hands. "Oi save yer magic when it matters most don't worry bout me." I said objecting then I hear fast footsteps coming towards us along with slithering with my dragonic hearing and my eyes widen. "SHITE THEY'RE HERE SNOWBALL WATCH FROM THE SKY TELL ME IF YA SEE A BIG ARSE DUST CLOUD!!" I shouted at Snowball not meaning to but I was caught by surprise on how fast they were coming. "Aye aye sir!" She said flying quickly into the air.

Snowball's POV

When I flew up high enough I saw a dust cloud it was fast approaching and then I start to see what looked like Cobra's Snake friend and him running beside it and I quickly dive back down those guys were fast but I didn't know they were THAT fast. "They're coming in from the North!" I said panicking as I watch Kori stand infront of the light guild wizards ready to fight. I could tell he was thinking of something and I land beside him and ready myself.

- Author's Note-

That's where we're gonna leave it off guys sorry I had to leave you in some type of cliffhanger. Well I hope you enjoy this chapter guys I'll start working on the next chapter as soon as I can if all goes well in my private life. Well with that out of the way see you next chapter you guys and thanks for giving my book a read.

Words: 1696

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