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AN: Buckle your imaginary seatbelts y'all who are reading this at this spectacular time in your life because in one chapter, I'm going to put my inner fangirl workings on display for your amusement (this isn't going to be funny, I'm not a funny person ^-^), so sit down (you probably are already), grab some popcorn or whatever and enjoy the experience of my 1-am-and-1pm-sugar-induced-self-hatred-flued-fanfiction-writing-extravaganza. What you are going to read is probably dang near the best thing (not) you will ever read in a small time frame. Okay, let's go
P.S yes this is an extremely long chapter by my standards and I had no idea how to start his off so bear with me


"You're literally a top ranked assassin and an MI6 trainer." He turned to Alex, "And YOU oh god forbid YOU are the world's TOP secret agent and MOST governmental secret! HECK we only know your name because the ASSASSIN who so HAPPENS to be your best BUDDY knows it! So now please tell us WHY AND HOW the worst soldiers ever caught you!!!?" Wolf ranted on.

"Shot to the leg. Quite simple actually, anyone could have done it." Alex said, his voice carefully laced with boredom. He and Yassen were sitting in the corner furthest from the door, games of rock paper scissors and dot dot dot long gone over boring. It was good practice to read each other's expressions for a while.

"Not to you two!" X-ray muttered and threw a tiny rock against the wall opposite.

"Err yes. What's the point of taking part in RTI if you aren't actually in it. We were sneaking into the RTI training after we realised why you lot weren't back in the hut." The teen said and struggled to hold back a yawn 🥱 (AN I put that emoji as a joke but just ignore it now since I can't bring myself to get rid of it)

"Sneaking in?"

"Of course, it is practice to infiltrate a base." Alex crawled forwards, picked up the tiny rock that X-Ray had thrown, went back to his corner and started throwing it in the air and catching it.

The door opened, Alex threw the stone at the person who stood at the door. "Ouch!"

"Bullseye." Yassen muttered under his breath to Alex. "Right between the eyes."

"Who threw that!?" The man in the green jacket growled at them.

Alex held up a hand casually, face blank "Me."

"Oh you-!" The man, started and went through the room to take Alex to 'torture'

Yassen whispered to Alex "Good job. Hope to see you on the other side."

"This isn't the first time i've been in this position." Alex whispered back just to Yassen but Snake caught onto the words. The teen stood up and walked over to the man, he spun and kicked the man in the Celiac plexus (AN basically above the stomach, under the chest), who gave a grunt a stepped back a few steps.

BAM. Alex slammed the door closed and wandered back to his corner swaying a tiny bit.

"Cub!" Eagle grinned accusingly at what Alex did.

"You okay?" Yassen asked the younger boy.

"Eh." Was the the response. Alex leaned against Yassen.

How do they have that good of a relationship yet are practically enemies in the real world? Ben thought.

The next time the door opened in came 4 people who went straight over to Alex, picked him up and and took him with them.

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