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AN: small chapter just cause I was bored so apologies.

Some reflecting

Despite the extremely loud sound of the helicopter, Eagle and Snake fell asleep on the journey much to the joy of the others who really weren't in the mood for some endless chatter and crazy gossip from Eagle.

Alex found himself envying the two asleep, his eyes half way closed but not closing any further, looking around with a sleepy dazed expression from staying awake the last night due to not wanting nightmares.

Coming to think of it, if he did fall asleep and happen to have a nightmare, it would, without a doubt be embarrassing to say the least but he also wouldn't hear the end of it from Wolf. It would be 'terrified of little kittens and puppies' in his ear all day long and Alex doesn't want to hate hearing about Kittens anymore than Umbridge in Harry Potter made him hate kittens.

Then he began to miss Jack again. He had binge-watched all of Harry Potter with Jack about 3 times all within one month and they never seemed to get bored of collapsing on the sofa, pizza at hand and cola in the other hand and watching school kids fight a snake-looking man. He remembered a comment Jack made 'it really is stupid if you think about! Most evil dudes try and take over the world or universe and fail but do succeed the slightest bit. Then there's old voldie who can't even take over a high school!'

Alex let himself smile a tiny bit but the sting in his eyes was still there and he found himself wiping away a small tear before anyone could see.

Then a man that had been sitting in the corner of the back of the helicopter with them, stood up and clapped his hands loudly, failing to wake up those asleep.

Alex nudged Snake with his foot and that actually managed to wake up the soldier. Eagle was a different matter and had to have a rough shaking from Fox and a grumpy-pants Wolf.

Then, the man began to explain what was going on and what the unit were going to do.

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