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AN: ok so um hiiii! Ima be extremely busy soon. 'Cause i have to go back to school (prison) 😭 on the 8th and me being the dumb person I am, I have a lot to catch up on.
✌︎('ω'✌︎ )
Err- a short chapter, sorry.

No idea what to call this chapter so suggest in the comments pleeeeaaase

Chapter name chosen by @i-hope-i-exist

Another Infirmary chapter

Alex lost consciousness on the way to the infirmary.

Eventually when the group arrived, the doctors took Alex immediately into a room, the heating at 25°C (just above average) (AN: 77°F, 298.15°K) to warm Alex up.

It was around night time so K-unit and the half of D-Unit had to go to their huts for beddy-byes (AN 🤪 I'm weird ok, I also say pyjamas as jimjams👌)

By the time morning came around, Alex was dying of boredom having woken up from a nightmare at around 2am.

Snake, Yassen and Ben came to see him in the morning. It was a very awkward time. The conversation was just 'you okay?' 'Yeah... you sleep well?' 'Yeah'. All in all, nothing incredibly interesting happened... apart from...

"ALEX! ALEX! I HEAR YOU ARE IN THE INFIRMARY!" Kaeda was screaming from the other room to try and make contact with Alex. He was currently getting shushed by the nurses but only after Alex shouted back

"YEAH *cough* I AM!" And then he broken into a coughing fit due to his sore throat from the cold. Alex was now being forced to chug down a litre of water and was doing so incredibly slowly, the doctor once tried to make him drink it quicker but he couldn't swallow it equally as fast so he ended up dribbling it out, effective because he was exhausted and hadn't had a day of good sleep in what felt like forever to Alex.

Something that Kaeda and Alex were looking forward to was the boredom ending, Kaeda was going to be put in Alex's room for the evening.

Alex Rider - Rich kidsWhere stories live. Discover now