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"ALRIGHTY!! GET UP!" Wolf called out near the kiddo's huts and watched as they scrambled out and stood in front of him "I'm not in the mood for any funny business at all. Just do as we say." The kids exchanged glances and followed the already disappearing leader.

Paul D slipped on the mud and came crashing into Fiona who had a few things to say about it as they landed on the extremely wet muddy floor that was particularly muddy. She had acted as a cushion and mud splatter protection, getting the full load of mud all over her face. Fiona grumbled, her head hurt as Paul had driven his head into hers on the way down. Said boy rolled off her clutching his head, a bad mistake as now he was covered in mud and had rolled onto a sharp stone and quite badly cut himself, it was roughly 1 inch deep needing a few stitches..

Wolf grumbled, pulling Paul to his feet and not Fiona, who complained a whole more about 'being a true gentleman and helping the lady' to which Wolf replied "You aren't very lady like" and left the girl with her jaw hanging open to bring Paul to the infirmary. "Continue straight forwards, Eagle, Snake and X-ray should be just through there in that clearing."

Wolf continued grumbling on his walk all the way to the infirmary with a teen clinging onto him, wincing at every step. "Stupid boy." The unit leader muttered, Paul rolled his eyes, hand still clutching his wound.

They passed through the infirmary doors, an awaiting doctor that was always on standby rushed forwards and pulled Paul off to a sterilized room. Wolf turned and exited with not much care and then sprinted off to where his group was.

Paul winced once again as he was told to get onto the bed, he laid down and was almost immediately put under an anaesthetic to numb the pain and then given what some call 'laughing gas' that makes the breather fall asleep.

(AN: it's called laughing gas because the breather laughs them self to sleep, it also numbs the body as well as calming the patient down as studies have shown that laughter is a great cure for pain, stress and more)

*time skip brought to you by Kaeda*

Paul slowly came away, quick to realise that he felt numb all over and could barely move and that he was in a different room to the one he fell asleep in.

"Hello." A tired, bored voice croaked out.

"Hi?" Paul said back but it came out as more of a question. "Who are you?" He couldn't move enough to see the person, which he could tell was a boy from their voice and also that they were quite young, about the same age as himself.

"I'm Kaeda, call me kk or Kae. Nice to meet you...."

"Paul, my name is Paul." he replied groggily

"Umm, why are you in here? You look awful." Kaeda awkwardly asked the question, looking at the boy with worry.

Paul shuffled around a bit and managed to get a clear view of the boy in the next bed along. They had been put in the same room for company as they'd be in the infirmary for a while. "Don't laugh, I rolled onto a sharp rock." Kaeda had to hold back a laugh, lips tightly pursed together and cheeks bulging. "I said don't laugh" But Paul gave a bit of a chuckle at what he said. "And why are you in here?" Paul asked after they calmed down a bit.

"Shot." was the plain answer he received.

"Oh." Paul looked down

"Yeah." He dragged the word out a bit and faded his voice away in a shy way.

The other boy felt the need to apologise so he did, being polite "I'm sorry."

"There is no need to be sorry, you didn't shoot me, you didn't take part in the shooting, you did nothing wrong." Kaeda shrugged and shuffled a bit in his bed. As the time went on they played boring games to pass as much time as possible, games like 'I spy' and 'spot the ___'

Alex came in after a while, he had ended up in the infirmary brought by Ben after Ben insisted that Alex should go and wouldn't stop insisting until Alex went there. They (Ben and Alex) hadn't seen the rest of K-Unit since their unit gave them privacy and left the hut. Ben had now gone off to find their unit after the doctors checked this blood pressure was alright and it was, they checked it because most people have high blood pressures after a panic attack to which the teenage MI6 agent had quite a big one.

Alex stayed behind to visit Kaeda and found someone else was also in Kaeda's room, not visiting, but in a bed next to. To Alex's credit, no surprise showed on his face. Practice makes perfect and you need to be perfect at hiding things if you're a spy. "Hello Kae." Alex nodded to his new friend and turned to Paul "Hiya Paul."

They all settled down, Alex sitting at the bottom of Kaeda's bed whilst they talked about funny stories. Alex, not having much, did most of the listening but didn't mind one bit as he hated attention very much. His stories would consist of a terrorist organisation making a mistake so that he could escape or how people failed to kill him. But he did say one story of when he was 6

*the memory*

Ian, Jack and Alex all stood at the top of a mountain, Haystacks in the Lake district.

(AN: I've been here, it's so beautiful though the climb is incredibly dangerous. At one point you have to climb around an edge that is around 50-60degrees on a slant around the 9mile mark, plus it's got loose rocks, I have to say that I may or may not have lost a shoe on the way up there *innocent face*. If I fell, I would have fallen around 590m down, joining the flow of a waterfall on the fall and into the lake Bassenthwaite, anyways...

along with the story, which is based on my trip so all these parts of this memory is true just happened with me. So basically, Jack will be taking the place of my mum, Ian, my brother and Alex, me)

It was a 10mile walk, having to climb many mountains to get to the right one. But it was well worth it. They sat on a cliff a few metres away from the summit, legs dangling over the end dangerously but they sat without a care in the world, smiles wide and true. A beautiful lake (Bassenthwaite Lake). They had woken up very early and it was midday when they finished the climb up, all that was needed was lunch and the trip down which would take them to around dinner time.

Jack pulled out their packed lunches from the discarded bags behind them. Jack swiftly snatched a chocolate bar, in her clumsiness, she dropped it over the edge.

"HOW DARE THE WIND TAKE MY CHOCOLATE BAR! I NEED MY CHOCOLATE! CHOCOLATE IS LIFE!!!" Jack cried out, Ian held out another chocolate bar that was a spare, purposely packed for Jack, said person snatched it out of his hands and began eating it.

A couple of minutes later they were on their way back down the mountain after getting a group photo of them taken by a complete stranger that seemed kind enough to ask. Alex was still moaning about his lost shoe in the lake below but they ignored him.

They got to the steep part again and was much more careful until Alex and Ian sharply twisted to look at the person who shouted out "STAY CLOSE TO THE EDGE"

"Um no thanks, I don't want to die." Alex replied with sass to the absurd instruction told by Jack whose eyes had widened after she noticed what she had just said. They all burst out laughing and then remembered the place they were, one mistake and they were dead. They all shuffled along the way to a much safer place and continued down the mountain.

*end of memory*

Author's note: Pwlease be pwroud of mwe. 1,250 words without my notes!! 

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