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"Alex! Alex...." Ben whispered into the sleeping boy's ear. "Wakie wakie!" He softly said whilst gently shaking Alex.

Ben did not expect what happened next. Within a few seconds, he was on the floor with his arm in a certain position meaning that one moment and it'll be broken. A small pocket knife was held to the side of his neck, as such an angle that if it was pushed in it would cut straight into where the pulse is and blood would gush out.

A couple of seconds later and Ben was removed from the life threatening position by an awakening Alex. "Oh my... erm Ben I'm so so sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Alex collapsed and crawled back to the nearest wall avoiding all the medical equipment. Ben advanced on him.

"Al, it's ok al." Ben quietly responded to the boy's actions. Said boy continued to apologise so Ben took another approach "Alex! Stop apologizing!" He harshley whispered in order to not wake up the other two sleeping teens, it worked as the apologizing stopped and Alex raised his head off of his knees that was curled up into him. "Look, we better get back to the hut, the other's are wondering where you are." The older agent pointed to the clock on the wall.

"Pft. I doubt they care." Alex said under his breath but followed Ben out of the door after saying goodnight to his two friends, something he hasn't had in a while.

Both agents accidentally scared the doctor on standby with their sudden appearance passing him without a single sound.

They exited the infirmary and jogged back to their hut, slipped in and then the ruckus began.

Author's note: I know, I know. Short chapter  *bangs head on the wall for ideas*

I've also started to put music videos at the start of every chapter. I have a playlist of 9,999 songs (non-swearing (i think&hope)) and i press shuffle play, the first to play i put up.

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