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Author's note: whooo and my day is going just great. 4 more corona cases in my school. Missed my bus stop, got dropped off in the countryside having no idea here I am! Lied about my feelings so somehow I'm in a relationship I really don't wanna be in, dropped a £10 through down a drain, cracked my phone somehow, deleted all my phone contacts and i have no idea at all how. Forgot my instagram password after I accidentally deleted the account! Dropped my phone in the sink! Lost my homework planner and school timetable! Spilt a chocolate milkshake on my white jumper and bedsheets! What about you?

Number nine

Someone else got out of the truck and strolled up to alex. In a flash, Alex's hand darted up to his mouth and he stumbled back into Fox.

"S-sorry Ben."

"It's ok Al-"


"You know what wolf?" Eagle asked, very far away from his playful crazy mood and intrigued by this new child, if they could be called that, their eyes were far too old.

"What eagle?!" Wolf asked turning to his fellow unit member, not in the mood for Eagle's jokes yet not knowing he's no going to receive a joke as Eagle is going to say something only the sergeant and Alex would be brave enough to do.

"Why don't you just. shut. up?!"


Eagle was cheeky enough to hold a hand up and shh Wolf with his pointy finger hovering in front of Wolf's lips in a shhing motion. "Shhhh wolfy-boy. I wanna hear this." He motioned to Alex and the new boy with his head.

"Eag-" said person lifted his hand once more, and his middle finger rose slowly, his head turned to face Alex.

"Will he ever shut up?" Eagle asked Alex.

"I don't know Eagle, shouldn't you know, your
You're his unit."

"You are too."

"Yeah, well.. unorthodox. So not really."

"Eh." And they turned to face Alex and the other teen besides James.

"So Cub who's this?" Snake motioned to the boy staring at Alex.

"He-he's." Alex paused "number nine?"

(Ya know, if ya know.

SPOILER ALERT!! Those that have not read Nightshade please skip this part)

"Yes... JULIUS." Freddie said with an angry tone. "Or should I say ALEX."

"Nine I'm sorry."

"I am too. To myself of course, for ever trusting you!"


"With an iddy biddy key that you're clone made!"



"Yeah well I gave you a teddy bear."

"A teddy bear" nine crossed his arms

"Yeah! And one you quiet liked!"

"IT WAS A TEDDY BEAR!!" That i adore and cuddled every night until it got taken away cause it was 'unteenager-like', Nine added in in his thoughts.

"The teddy bear you had when you were younger!"

"Mmmhmmm I worked that out the moment I saw it!" I really didnt but you know, got to keep up my clever appearance dont i? He thought.

(AN: okay peeps everyone can start reading again)

Alex held his hand out "I've had enough arguing today, and these guys" He pointed to his unit behind him "are getting to know far too much about me"

Hesitantly, Nine / Freddie took his hand, well aware of Alex's skill, and said "okay but this isn't over... traitor."


"What?! I said nothinggg" freddie said, sarcasm on full.

"Riggghht..." alex copied in the same tone.

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