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AN: KILL ME FOR NOT WRITING. uh anyways, short (as usual, sorry)

They heard the helicopter start to slow and descend into a small clearing, it was almost daytime.

"North East East." A man instructed as the soldiers hopped out of the helicopter 🚁

The unit swung their little amount of luggage over their shoulders and clipped it secure before Wolf brought out a compass 🧭 and pointed in a direction.

The walk wasn't actually too far but their legs still hurt from the gradually growing steepness of getting out of a wide valley.

They found a tiny hut admits the trees. vines draped over it but they knew it was not untouched.

Wolf lightly growled as he tapped morse code to the others, hoping that they had practiced it
'• - - •  • • - • - - - - - - -  - - - -  - • • - - -  - • • • • 
- • - • - - - - • - • • •' ('we forgot to do the talkie) luckily they all understood that Wolf meant walkie talkie and were soon back around 100metres away from the hut.

Alex heard a crackling coming from his walkie talkie (AN is there a professional way to say it or something?) and soon heard Wolf's voice


"copy" Alex muttered back



"copy" came the voices down the line, Fox, Snake and Eagle.

"move in, Fox, Snake around the sides. i'll go around the back. Eagle and Cubby go straight on. I don't trust this but that's what MI6 requested. copy?" Wolf said.

A chorus of 'copy' came through. And they made their way into action.

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