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"I could spill your druggie secrets right now..." Mathew continued. Alex's eyes widened by the second.

P.s. The title is below this and underlined. This whole story isn't just a flashback. The Flashback comes in later


"You wouldn't" alex finally said.

Mathew's eyes lit up and he smiled a horrible smile "Oh yes I would."

"OI! No sharing secrets!" Eagle bounded over.

"Oh don't worry, I was going to spill them." Mathew turned to them "but first, where's the hut?"

Snake crossed his arms, clearly not liking this new addition "Firstly, we need to get the new kiddos out of the truck."

Mathew rolled his eyes. The teens came out of the car.

"ALEX!" The first boy out shouted and ran up to him and Alex found himself engulfed in a hug.

"James?" He asked

"Yep, thats me" James Spritz (AN: is that how you spell it?¿?) laughed. "Good to see ya."

"You too mate." Alex hugged back, happy to see another friend.

"Oh and thanks." James added on. K-unit shared looks that said 'why's he thanking him' and 'whats going on'.

"No problem." Alex shrugged after the hug parted.

"No it wasn't just 'no problem' it was a big problem mate. You almost got dissected, almost got shot about a billion times but still managed to safe my life and others!"

K-unit glanced at each other with worried looks whilst Mathew stood their with his eyes popping out of his head. What has this druggie done to safe him. Its a lie and I know that. He thought to himself.

*warning: if you havent read Scorpia Rising then don't read this next bit. I'll tell you when you can start reading again*

James continued after taking another breather "and then when the day I go to learn at Cairo college of arts. I see you and... you fighting at the top balcony over the hall. HOLDING GUNS FOR GODS SAKE!" He lowered his voice "As soon as I saw you, you stumbled and I thought you got shot! What happened!"

"You went to Cairo?" Was all Alex replied with.


"I didnt see you."

"I arrived that very day." Alex was about to speak but James held his hand up to tell him not to "You don't understand how worried I was when I saw you chasing after a copy of you... or was it the other way around, then the storm started and I got into a nearby taxi."

Alex paled. There was a taxi right next to him when...

"I looked outta the window and I saw one of you on the floor, pistol about a metre away and the you standing pointing a gun at the other you. You turned and walked off, I THOUGHT THAT WAS IT ALEX! I thought it was over but no. The fallen had reached for the gun and pointed it at the one walking away." Alex tried to speak but got nothing in "it all happened in slow motion... you span around. Gun held up. I saw two bullets whizz by the window as well as the horrible gun shot sound that I remember from point blanc. I blinked and looked out of the window once more, you were walking off, head down, gun loosely in your grip. My eyes flickers to the blood spreading from the other you's head. DIRECT HEAD SHOT ALEX! Where'd you learn that from?! I looked back at you and watched as your gun dropped to the ground and splashed in one of the many puddles that had grown."

Alex Rider - Rich kidsWhere stories live. Discover now